June 11, 2011

Homemade Houjicha and Frozen Natsumikan/自家製ほうじ茶と冷凍夏みかん

Today, I made houjicha (roasted green tea) from a very small amount of my regular kukicha (stalk tea). I didn't have an appropriate pot, so I decided to use the toaster oven.
I started to smell the aroma soon (within one minute?).
For some reason, I failed to roast it evenly.

But, when I brewed it and drank the tea, I thought it was a success! The same flavor as store-bought houjicha.
I will definitely make houjicha again in the same way when I make tencha (short for tempura ochazuke)!

I made my first attempt to make frozen natsumikan. I made two versions: A whole peeled natsumikan (right) and a natsumikan peeled and separated into segments.
初めて冷凍夏みかんを作ってみました。二種類作りました: 丸ごと皮を剥いた夏みかん(右)と皮を剥いて小さく分けたもの。
Not bad, but my wife, who had the whole natsumikan, said she didn't think it was particularly tasty.


  1. I could not resist, I did it too!

    Thanks for the idea.

  2. Kiki: Thanks for the link.
    Houjicha making, is it contagious (laugh)?

  3. Hiroyuki: I've come to conclusion; I can't enjoy houjicha at all... Well, the fragrance just catch my nose; but when come in taste, it can't. Regular sencha is better somehow.
    Kiki: What kind of Chinese tea did you use?
    Pretty nice idea to come with Chinese tea to roast. But actually, Chinese green tea already roasted when processing. It's different with Japanese green tea that mostly using steaming method when processing.
    And I'm curious about the taste instead, could it be same like store-bought houjicha?

  4. forgot to add;
    Kiki: It most likely "Bai mu dan" (white peony) tea for my eyes!
    If it's true, not strange the liquor color was pale.

  5. Fred: Yes white peony - it is a very light tea. I don't have any other green teas but lots of this. The only other teas in storage are Oolong or Earl Grey or smoked red tea. I am not going to roast my much beloved Oolong. Or the Earl Grey - that thought gives me shivers.

  6. It looks so easy! Thank you, Hiroyuki, for the isntructions. (I have found it at my small shop, but only in bags and I hate tea bags). I will make it with the cheaper green tea I have and thus will be able to try ochazuke "Hiroyuki-san way" :-)
    Kiki, I didn't know you had a blog! I am going to pay you a visit straight away!

  7. fred: Anyway, you already have some home-made houjicha, so why not use it to make ochazuke like tencha? You may never know,... you may like the combination of houjicha, kombu, wasabi, etc., etc.

  8. Kiki: You sure a strong-flavored-tea lover!
    I bet, You like sweets, aren't you? (laugh)
    Hiroyuki: I've tried it! When I was child, my mother sometimes gives me meal mostly like ochazuke(but using plain water instead tea) when I had no appetite.
    I remembered so much when enjoying ochazuke!
