July 30, 2012

Supper on July 29/7月29日の夕飯

For supper last night, we had cold noodles and tempura.
I combined dashi, soy sauce, and mirin at a ratio of 4:1:1, and used it both as mentsuyu (dipping sauce for noodles) and tentsuyu (dipping sauce for tempura).

Note that different ratios may be used for these two dipping sauces.  For example, one person suggests a 3.5:1:1 ratio for mentsuyu and a 4:1:1 ratio for tentsuyu.  Another suggests a 7:1:1 ratio for mentsuyu and a 5:1:1 ratio for tentsuyu.
It's summer and hot, so I added some ice cubes to the mentsuyu bowl.

Cold udon noodles:

Somen and hiyamugi are noodles of choice in the summer, but this time, we had to use up the udon noodles that were past their expiration date.

We also had to use up the kabocha (not a bocchan kabocha) my father had sent us.

Many of the pieces were eaten by three of us (my children and me) before supper time, as you can see from the empty space on one of the plates.

I also made satsuma imo tempura (imoten for short).

Shown on the right is a bowl of tenkasu (also called agedama) that I made with leftover tempura batter intentionally, not as a byproduct of tempura making.


  1. Ice cubes are a good idea! The fried pumpkin was very delicious but I would also recommend green beans. It was the first time I made them Tempura style and they were surprisingly uebertasty even without dipping sauce. I ate them all - almost - after frying (laugh). So I know what you did looking at the plate cleared to the half.

  2. Kiki: Putting ice cubes is what I do when I don't have to the time to chill mentsuyu in the fridge (or when I don't have enough space in the fridge).

    Thanks for the suggestion. I can imagine that green bean tempura will be very good. I will make it when I'm lucky to have some green beans from someone.

  3. I see you are eating chilled noodles too! After having dongchimi guksu at a Korean restaurant, I decided to make it using this recipe: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/dongchimiguksu . I used store bought water kimchi. It was very refreshing and delicious!

    My mother wanted me to ask you a question. My grandmother (who was from Sapporo) used to make a cold noodle dish, similar to yours. But, she used chicken gizzards to make the broth, which makes sense since there wouldn't be a great deal of fat to coagulate when it is cold. Have you heard of this before?

  4. muskratbyte: Thanks for the link. I have never had this particular dish, but a Korean cold noodle dish, reimen 冷麺 in Japanese, is quite popular in Japan.

    Using chicken gizzards to make broth is intriguing, but I have never heard of such a recipe.

    I did some googling and found one blog:


    The blogger, who seems to live in Hokkaido, made a hot udon noodle dish, using chicken gizzards, called suna gimo 砂肝 or suna bukuro 砂袋 in Japanese, for broth.

    She says you can get a considerable amount of dashi from gizzards.
