July 27, 2012

Tomatoes and Cherry Tomatoes/トマトとミニトマト

I planted ten different varieties of tomato and cherry tomato in my rented field.
1.  Momo Taro
2.  Momo Taro Gold
1.  桃太郎
2.  桃太郎ゴールド

Momo Taro is the most popular variety in Japan.

3.  Sicilian Rouge
4.  Beginner's Tomato
5.  Pinky (sp?)
6.  Summer Kiss
Correction:  Little Summer Kiss, not Summer Kiss
7.  Kokuuma Tomato
8.  Tomato Berry
Correction:  Tomatoberry not Tomato Berry
9.  Aiko
10.  Yellow Aiko
3.  シシリアンルージュ
4.  ビギナーズトマト
5.  ピンキー
6.  サマーキッス
訂正: サマーキッスではなく、リトルサマーキッス
7.  こくうまトマト
8.  トマトベリー
9.  アイコ
10.  イエローアイコ

It's hard for me to determine which one I like the best.

I can only say that I like tomatoes and cherry tomatoes very much when they are in season!

Edited to add:  I will provide some more details of each variety, together with some photos, when I have the time.
追記: 時間が取れたら、それぞれの品種についてもう少し、写真もつけて説明します。


  1. Wonderful harvest, I agree with Kiki. Your tomatoes look like the real, "home" tomatoes... the kind I rarely have the pleasure to eat.

  2. Kiki and Sissi: They all look like jewels to me (laugh). And, unlike jewels, you can eat them! And, they are tasty!

  3. Hi Hiroyuki, what wonderful tomatoes! Last year I also grew Momotaro and it was a good tomato, although mine were a little thick-skinned. I don't know whether that is typical or not, or just the strain that was available here in California.

    This year, the best tomato I have grown is another Japanese tomato, a pink variety called "Odoriko". It is fantastic -- extremely sweet and flavorful. Have you grown it before? Besides that, I've been growing other tomatoes, such as Black Krim, Black Prince, Black Cherry, Cherokee Purple (these are all brown/purple tomatoes), Cosmonaut Volkhov, Sun Gold, Snow White, Bloody Butcher, Paul Robeson, and Doctor's Green. I wonder whether you recognize any of these names, or are they totally different from domestic varieties that you get? Either way, homegrown tomatoes are so delicious!

  4. YSC: Wow, you must have a green thumb!!!

    Sadly, I'm not familiar with any of the varieties you mentioned, even Odoriko! I did some googling and found it's a large variety that has a good balance of sweetness and sourness.

    I don't think that Momotaro is particularly thick-skinned, so maybe the soil and/or climate?
