February 11, 2013

Natsumikan Marmalade, Part 2/夏みかんのマーマレード、パート2

Today, I changed the water three times in total, until my wife said it was OK.

In an enameled pot, I added 3/5 of the natsumikan flesh (including membranes and pips) and 3/5 of the peels.  My wife asked me to reduce the amount of sugar, so  I added 350 g.  The natsumikan to sugar ratio was about 3:1, much lower than the ratio of 2:1 in one recipe I found.
ホウロウ鍋に、夏みかんの果肉(袋の皮も種も含む)の3/5と皮を3/5入れました。砂糖の量を減らして、と妻が言うので、350 g入れました。夏みかんと砂糖の割合は約3:1で、私が見つけた或るレシピの2:1という割合よりずっと低いです。
I heated the pot on and off for a total of one hour or so.  While so doing, I added about 400-600 ml of water to keep the contents from scorching.  I asked my wife to taste some because she is a better judge of marmalade (I really don't care for marmalade), and I got an endorsement from her, but she added that the marmalade was still runny.  So, I heated it for some more time to reduce the water.
火をつけたり消したりしながら、鍋を合計1時間程度加熱しました。その間に水を400~600 ml足して、中身が焦げないようにしました。妻のほうがマーマレードの味が分かるので(私自身はマーマレードはあまり好きではありません)、味見してもらいました。妻からお墨付きを頂きましたが、まだ水っぽいと言うので、もうしばらく加熱して水分を減らしました。
Very rustic-looking marmalade, I should say (laugh).

Next, I have to deal with the remaining 2/3 of the peels.


  1. I have never heard about natsumikan and I'm wondering... You are probably the only Japanese who has used them to produce marmalade! A very creative idea!
    (Talking about Japanese citrus fruits, I'm now a happy owner of two yuzu fruits brought by my Japanese friend... I will keep them for shochu drinks though. Too precious to do anything else!)

  2. Is it common in Japan to cook marmalade with the pulp and pips included and not separeted by a bag? Rustic indeed. Totally different mouth feeling I guess.
    Thanks for the information about the orange varieties. Yes, bitter oranges are different. I was a little confused about the wording dai dai. But it is just the same: bitter and non bitter, as here. You cannot eat bitter oranges raw - tastes sour and even the juice has some bitterness.

  3. Sissi: No, no, it was the idea of an acquaintance. Last year, I gave her some natsumikan, and later she told me she made marmalade with some of them. I later found that natsumikan marmalade was not uncommon. That's why I wanted to make natsumikan marmalade this year.

    Kiki: A common recipe is as elaborate as yours. I referred to several recipes, including yours, and I found these two particular recipes interesting:
    The former separates the pips and discards them(!), and uses a pressure cooker.
    The latter discards the calyxes only, and removes the pips at some time during simmering.

    As for daidai, have you checked out this Wikipedia entry?

    Daidai, spelled 代々, means "from generation to generation", and that's why the fruit 橙 is use as a lucky decoration at New Year.
