February 12, 2013

Natsumikan Peels Simmered with Sugar/夏みかんの皮の砂糖煮

This morning, I simmered the marmalade for another few minutes, and transferred to a 1,800-ml tupperware container.  It's now in the fridge.  I didn't put it in jars because I think it can be consumed by us in weeks, mostly by my wife (laugh).
(I initially planned to use five natsumikan, but I ended up using only three of them because I was sure that they would not fit in the enameled pot.)
今朝、マーマレードをもう数分煮てから、1,800 mlのタッパーに移しました。今は、冷蔵庫に入ってます。瓶詰めはしませんでした。数週間でなくなると思うので。特に妻が食べると思います(笑)。 (当初は、夏みかんを5個使う予定だったのですが、結局、3個しか使いませんでした。ホウロウ鍋には絶対、全部入らないだろうと思ったからです。)  
Next, I made natsumikan no kawa no sato ni (natsumikan peels simmered with sugar), also called natsumikan no kawa no sato zuke.

First, I simmered the peels for 10 minutes, and drained.
I measured the peels, and they were 400 g in total.  In an enameled pot, I put the peels, and added 200 g sugar, although the sugar should be 80-100% of the peels according to one recipe.  I kept simmering until the water was almost gone.
皮の重さを測ると、全部で400 gでした。ホウロウ鍋に皮と砂糖を200 g入れました。或るレシピでは、砂糖は皮の8割~10割なのですが。水分が殆どなくなるまで煮ました。

The sugar didn't crystallize (because of its low content?), so I thought I'd dry the peels.
I thought I could not keep placing them on the kitchen counter, so I transferred them to the drying net in my work room.
I tasted some, and found them incredibly good!

To be continued.


  1. Now you only need lots of chocolate and Valentine's is a sure bet.

  2. Kiki: As you can see from the second post, I only used 60 g chocolate, and I gave up the idea of giving them to others. Maybe next year...

  3. I wonder what went wrong. For chocolate covering it is better to let the freshly dipped sticks get firm sitting on a wired rack instead of parchment paper - looks more refined afterwards if the chocolate layer has the chance to drip off nicely and the edges of the sticks stay sharp.
    You could mince some sticks and mix them into a chocolate ganache and make delicious orange-chocolate-truffles. I am going to make some tonight and send them to my mom, together with candied peel and marmalade.

  4. Kiki: For one thing, I don't have the necessary equipment including a wired rack (laugh). For another, I'm not good at these things in the first place.

    Besides, the strips were initially meant to be used to make marmalade, and were rather short.

    Thanks for the idea. Maybe I should simply cut the strips into small pieces and mix with melted chocolate.

    You are a very good daughter, by the way!
