June 15, 2014

Buri Teriyaki and Buri Kama Shio-Yaki (Salt Grilled Yellowtail Collar)/ぶりの照り焼きとぶりのかまの塩焼き

When I went shopping yesterday, I hoped I could get some aji (horse mackerel) cheap so I could try out my ajikiri. Instead, I got some nice buri slices cheap. I bought two packs (six slices in total).
I also bought one buri kama (collar).
Note that both buri slices and collar were from Sanriki, heavily damaged by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami.

The buri kama was about 220 g in weight, so I sprinkled 1 tsp (4 g) or 2% salt and rubbed well. I let it sit for more than 10 minutes.
ぶりかまは重さが約220 gだったので、塩を小さじ1杯(4 g)、つまり2%、振り、よくもみました。10分以上、置いておきました。
I wiped off the salt and blood with paper towel, and grilled it in the toaster oven for 10 minutes in total.

Before grilling
5 minutes passed.
Then, I closed the aluminum foil to prevent the skin from burning.
Another five minutes passed. Almost done.
I later reheated it just before eating.

I made buri teriyaki with the slices. I place the slices in the frying pan, with the skin side down. I turned on the gas, set it to low, and covered the pan with the lid.
I used this junmai(!) hon(!) mirin, which I have mentioned before.
I combined 45 ml each of hon mirin and soy sauce, plus 1 tsp sugar for additional sweetness.
本みりんと醤油を45 mlづつ合わせ、甘みを少し足すため砂糖を小さじ1杯入れました。

2-3 minutes later, I lifted the lid, turned the slices over gently, using a plastic spatula, so as not to disintegrate them,

and added the mirin and soy sauce mixture. Simmered for about 2 min. until done.
There are other buri teriyaki recipes out there, some of which are very complicated (salting the slices before pan-frying, dusting with flour before pan-frying, pan-frying with oil, etc.) I prefer a simple recipe like the one I described above.

Note that in Japanese cuisine, teriyaki is frying or grilling with a sauce (tare) of soy sauce and mirin and/or sugar (and sake). Usually, the sauce does not contain spicy or pungent ingredients like garlic.


  1. 198 Yen for 3 slices? I never had any buri. The meat looks very good - reminds on tuna or swordfish.

  2. Kiki: Yes, and the supermarket usually sells them for 298 yen per 3 slices, so that's 100 yen lower than the usual price.

    The flesh is really good, and fresh (not fresh enough to eat raw, though). Buri has its own flavor and texture. It's tougher than tuna when raw, but turns tender when cooked. Tuna is just the opposite: Tender when raw, and tough when cooked.
