June 16, 2014


On Father's Day, my wife made o-sekihan for her father, using 1 kg of mochi gome (mochi rice; glutinous rice) and azuki beans. She transferred the o-sekihan to a juubako, and the rest was eaten by my family for supper.
父の日に、妻が実父のために、もち米を1 kgと小豆でお赤飯を作りました。重箱に詰めて、残りは家族で夕飯に食べました。
O-sekihan is usually eaten with toasted sesame seeds and salt, but I had it plain. Later, I had it with Magic Furikake.

O-sekihan is a polite way of saying sekihan. The same goes for o-bento, o-chawan (rice bowl), o-kome (rice), and so on. In some cases, the polite connotation of "o" is almost lost, as in o-cha and o-wan. That is, it is more common to say o-cha (tea) and o-wan (soup bowl) than cha and wan. In other cases, "o" can mean "your", as in o-kuruma (your car) and o-tegami (your letter).


  1. Happy Father's Day! (I think I'm a day late where I'm at.) I was wondering: what is magic furikake?

  2. Here is a post on my Magic Furikake:

    I hope you make it to check if it works for you some day!
