February 9, 2016

Kasu Doko (Sake Lees Bed for Pickling)/かす床

I've been drinking sake plus sake kasu paste almost on a daily basis. I find the combination much more flavorful and drinkable than sake alone. I have increased the sake kasu paste to sake ratio considerably, so the resultant alcoholic drink is now more like "doburoku" (unfiltered sake) than nigori zake (cloudy sake, that is, coarsely filtered sake).

I found one interesting use of sake kasu: use it as a bath additive. I gave it a try one day.
Just wrap some sake kasu in cloth or towel, and
put it in the bathtub.

Not bad, but I think I need to use a lot more of it to feel the effect of sake kasu.

Another intriguing use is to use it as a facial mask. I told my wife about this, but she said she didn't want to try it.

I wasn't interested in making kasu doko (sake lees bed for pickling) until I watched the November 25th edition of the famous TV show, "Tameshite Gatten".
Tameshite Gatten/ためしてガッテン video on YouTube (Japanese only)

The recipe is simple. Watch the video at and after 31:00.

100 g sake kasu
50 g alcoholic drink (shochu, sake, mirin, etc.)
Note: To sweeten the sake kasu, use mirin.
Tear sake kasu into pieces by hand, place on a plate, pour alcoholic drink, and microwave at 600 W for around 40 seconds to heat it to 40-50 degrees C, which is the temperature range in which the enzymes work the best. Turn it into paste, using a spatula. Let it mature for about 2 days at room temperature.

酒粕 100 g
注: 酒粕を甘くするには、みりんを使って下さい。

I used 360 g of sake kasu and 180 ml of sake.
私は酒粕360 g、お酒180 mlを使いました。

I refrained from microwaving.
What shall I put in the kasu doko? Marshmallows, naturally!
Watch the video at and after 37:00. Of the 50 items they put in kasu doko, twelve items got high scores from people on the street. And, what item got the highest score? Marshmallow!

I buried eight of them in my kasu doko last night.

This morning, more than ten hours later, I dug them out.

Not bad, but far below expectations...

I added some water (about 50 ml) and sake (about 50 ml) and mixed well to make my kasu doko softer.
水を(50 ml程度)とお酒(50 ml程度)足し、よく混ぜ、柔らかくしました。
Then, I buried another eight marshmallows there.

To be continued.

Edited to add:

More than eight hours later, I dug them out.

Much better than the first attempt, but still not good enough.

I think I'll pickle slices of salmon next time.


  1. Marshmallows? That is hard to imagine! I hope the salmon turns out well.

    Best wishes,
    Erin in California

  2. ErinBear: I thought so at first, but the enzymes in the sake kasu break down the protein in the marshmallows into amino acids. Besides, the kasu doko contains a considerable amount of alcohol, which make the marshmallows suited for adults.

    I will try salmon soon, and report back!
