February 16, 2016

Trip to Omiya and Kawagoe/大宮と川越への旅

On February 14, my son and I rode the Shinkansen again. I had booked a hotel room for my son well in advance, but after returning home from his solo trip to Takasaki to take an entrance exam held on February 11, he said he wanted somebody to accompany him, so I booked another single room for myself, rather than cancelling his and booking a twin room.

We were to take the 15:25 train on Hokuhoku Line to Echigo-Yuzawa to take the 15:44 Max Joetsu Shinkansen train, but I learned from the railroad company's website that the train was 20 minutes delayed due to strong wind, so I decided to take the 14:49 train on Joetsu Line. Eventually, we took another train on Hokuhoku Line, which was 19 minutes delayed but was a little earlier than the 14:49 train, at Shiozawa Station.

So, we had to wait more than half an hour at Echigo-Yuzawa Station. I bought a can of beer, Echigo Beer, at the kiosk.
288 yen. Echigo Beer is Japan's first micro-brewery.
I also bought a box of KitKat for my son.
KitKat is considered Japan's first "jukensei ouen shouhin" (lit. test-taker cheering up product).
Giving KitKat to someone taking an entrance exam to pray for success is a custom that started in Kyushu, where KitKat sounds a lot like "Kitto kattoh!" (sure to win!) in Kyushu dialect ("Kitto katsu" in standard Japanese), and it's now a nationwide phenomenon.

You can write a message in the white space provided on the back of the box,

or you can write a message on each individual package inside the box.
My son said he didn't want the KitKat, so I had them all by myself (laugh).

Echigo-Yuzawa Station
Shown above is not a Max. A Max is a two-storied train.

Cloudy in Echigo-Yuzawa.
It was only a 50-minute ride from Echigo-Yuzawa Station to Omiya Station.

In Omiya, it was sunny. The temperature hit 24 degrees C!

We checked in at the hotel, and headed for the exam site.

Then, we headed back to the hotel.
I struggled again to take a bath in the tiny "unit bath" (I really hate it!). At 6:30, p.m., we went out for dinner. My son suggested a Japanese restaurant he found on his way to the exam site, but I suggested we go to the station building or elsewhere. Before we reached the station, we found GUSTO.
Draft beer for me: 484 yen
Avocado and shrimp salad for my son and me: 646 yen
アボカドシュリンプサラダ(息子と私用): 646円
Tuna tataki with miso soup (for me): 970 yen
まぐろ(たたき)味噌汁(私用): 970円

Pork yose nabe for my son: 808 yen
豚寄せ鍋: 808円
Ponzu sauce:
Decanter red (500 ml): 430 yen
デキャンタ赤(500 ml):430円
My son ordered "set drink bar" (214 yen).

Feb. 15

I woke up before 6 o'clock in the morning, and woke up my son at 7:30. 

 I had three packs of natto!
And, 3 cups of coffee in total.

I had already more than enough so that I could skip lunch, but the home-made curry was hard to pass, so I had some.

My son had much less than I did. After one bowl of rice, he had rice gruel.
 It was nearly 9 o'clock.
We parted at the exam site. It was cold (probably lower than 10 degrees C), and it was very windy. I thought for a moment that I would give up visiting some interesting places and just spend the whole day in department stores and so on. 

I started to walk toward Omiya Koen. Before long, I reached one entrance to the park.
The park contains a large number of red pine trees, as well as cherry trees.
I wondered if I could find some matsutake mushrooms in the fall...

Monument for Aoki Konyo, who encouraged the cultivation of sweet potatoes to avoid starvation in the Edo period.

Signboard showing the way to the zoo.
Closed on Mondays.
I found one entrance to Hikawa Jinja (Shrine).
This Hikawa Jinja, Musashi Ichinomiya Hikawa Jinja, is the Central Shrine of more than 200 Hikawa shrines in the Kanto area, and has a history of more than 2,000 years.

The approach to the Shrine is 2 km long!
Unfortunately, the dango (dumpling) store was closed that day.

Luckily, I found a library. I thought I could read some newspapers there. Unfortunately, it was closed that day. It's closed on Mondays. Zoo, museum (there is one museum, Saitama Prefectural Museum of History and Folklore, in Omiya Koen, ), library... Mondays are not very good days for tourists.
I reached Omiya Daini (Second) Koen.
Ume (Japanese apricot) trees were in full bloom.

I headed for Omiya Bonsai Art Museum. While strolling, I found just a lot of magnificent trees in private houses.

Omiya is famous for its bonsai. I reached the Museum.
Website of the Omiya Bonsai Museum in English

You can take photos of these bonsai on both sides of this path, but not others.

You can also take photos of the bonsai in the entrance hall.

It had started to rain on my way to the Museum. I was hoping it would let up soon, but it wouldn't. I gave up visiting Bonsai Shiki no Ie and Omiya Bonsai Mura. Besides, I wanted to visit Kawagoe in the afternoon.
Bonsai Shiki no Ie/盆栽四季の家 (Japanese only)
Omiya Bonsai Mura/大宮盆栽村 (Japanese only)

It's a 20-minute ride from Omiya JR Station to Kawagoe JR Station. From the East exit of Kawagoe Station, I walked down the Crea Mall, which is quite long, 1.2 km!

I finally reached the Taisho Roman Yume Dori.

One store caught my eye. Store dealing in sake and koji.

Renkei ji (temple):

I reached the "Kurazukuri no Machinami".

Kashi ya yokocho

I found one interesting store:
Japanese maple soft-serve ice cream
Maple syrup made in Chichibu?!

Toki no Kane:
One of the must-sees in Kawagoe.
Unfortunately, under restoration.

Other stores I found interesting:

Okara (soy pulp) doughnut shop:

Kitchen knife shop:

Shop specializing in chopsticks:
I went back to Omiya, and visited some department stores, which I found quite boring. Instead of going to a coffee shop to kill time, I bought one large cup of coffee at a Lawson (180 yen) and a pack of petit cheese souffle and went to the building where the exam was taking place. I waited for my son on the first floor.

Just when I was about to take a sip, I found a sign which says, "Refrain from eating and smoking here." So, I had to drink the coffee outside!
I had the petit cheese souffle on the Shinkansen train back home. I gave half of it to my son.
Very tasty, but I thought it should contain more cheese.

My son got this present from the hotel.
The bag contained one KiKat packet.
I didn't mention above, but I bought this umbrella at the Bonsai Art Museum for 2,000 yen.
Pricey, but I needed one to go to the nearest station, Toro Station. Besides, it is very well made, and can be a good memento of my visit to the museum.
I was unable to take good photos of Kawagoe due to some problems with my camera. Here are links to some of the YouTube videos I found. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.


  1. This must be a stressful time for students who need to write the University entrance exams. The Japanese student I hosted last year told me that he is writing 10 exams from January 16 to February 25! I am sure your presence with your son gives him great comfort. During this time you took the opportunity to explore different part of the city and revisiting your home town and found some interesting things along the way. Thank you for sharing!

  2. okasan: I'm sure that the Jan. 16 test was the first part of the two-day "Center Test" and the Feb. 25 test was the secondary test of a national/public university in the former period. Some students also take the secondary test of a national/public university in the latter period, which is held on March 12.

    Yes, very stressful indeed.

  3. It is so hard to go through all of these tests. Your son is lucky to have your support! Meanwhile, it's sad that so many things were closed on Monday for this trip, but the Bonsai Museum looked fascinating. Too bad it started to rain, so that you couldn't enjoy it all. Best wishes to your son as he continues with his tests!

    Take care,
    Erin from California

  4. ErinBear: Thanks! I hope the juken (entrance exam) season will end soon!

  5. You have a good, healthy appetite! It's nice to see people eat well ^_^ I think you were feeling some of your son's stress, maybe? Hearing you talk about your son's exam experience brought me back to almost 20 years ago when a Japanese boy I liked was studying to get into medical school. I mailed him chocolate for Valentine's Day from overseas but he probably didn't have time to pay much attention to food or to me since it was during exam season. I didn't realize how stressful it was for him until seeing this post and the comments above. I waited with anticipation for White Day when he was supposed to reply, but never heard a peep. Now I understand maybe he was just too busy.

  6. Anonymous: Healthy appetite?! I used to be a big eater, and I still can be on an occasion like this.

    My son needs to control his food consumption before taking an exam. Too much food in the stomach is bad for the brain, right?

    Sorry to hear about your story. Exams for medical schools are extremely difficult to solve.

  7. キットカットについて、全然知りませんでした、なるほどな。

  8. okasan: According to this site


    Nestle Japan started a jukensei (test taker) cheering up campaign in 2003. A large number of manufacturers have followed suit, such as Meiji, which sells "U Curl" (うカール)
    U Curl = Ukaru = 受かる = Pass (the text)

  9. I love information like this, so interesting to know! Thanks!

  10. The Kit Kat and Sure to Win message given by presenting one to an exam taker is a new information for us. Hope your son could clear the Medical Exams. The photos of the Bonsai garden looks very beautiful. It is a wonderful and unique Japanese art. Also the photos of several monuments in Tokyo are informative and gives a fantastic view of the suburbs.

  11. seeandoh: Thanks for your comment, but my son didn't take an exam for a medical school. He wants to go to an applied chemistry department.

    Kawagoe is called ko-Edo, or small Edo (the present Tokyo).

  12. Such beautiful bonsai! I love natto but miss the fresh stuff. Over here it is all frozen and the natto is tiny. Do you have a good recipe to make it at home? I would like to try making it myself. Thanks Hiroyuki-san.

  13. A Hairy Viking: Sorry, I've never made natto from scratch, but I'm sure you can find some nice recipes simply by searching with words like "making natto".
