March 8, 2017

Decent Drip Coffee/まともなドリップコーヒー

I've been staying at my parents' house for more than four months now, and one of the things I miss is a cup of coffee that I used to brew from freshly ground coffee beans almost every day.
Yesterday, I went shopping and found this product.
 "19 yen per cup..., I might as well give it a try," I thought. This is not the first time that I have tried such a product. I know that it can produce passable coffee. 

Just tear off the top of a bag, and place the bag inside a mug.
Pour a small amount of hot water for blooming, leave for 20 seconds or so, and pour the rest of the water.

The resultant coffee was not bad. In fact, it was quite good!
Note that such products have been around for decades, and are nothing to write home about. I would not write about them if I had not viewed YouTube videos such as this and this.


  1. As a fellow coffee lover, I sympathise with you, nothing like freshly ground and properly brewed coffee.

    I use these two equipments when I am away from my coffee machine and I get really good results:

  2. Khash: Thank you for your suggestion. I do have exactly the same model as yours, given to me by someone called Dan. As for aeropress, I know how it works, and I have always thought it's too much of a hassle for just a cup of coffee... Matsuya's wire-frame dripper is, on the other hand, almost maintenance-free.

    I hope I can start roasting, grinding, and brewing coffee exactly as I used to in the near future. In the meantime, the "on-the-mug-drip coffee"
    keeps me satisfied!

  3. Good coffee is the one you enjoy. I hope you get back to roasting and grinding soon

  4. Oh, I know this kind of "travel" coffee! It's not bad at all in case of emergency.
    I don't know how long you'll stay at your parents, but last year I went to Yamamoto shop in Shinjuku (I bought there my first ceramic Hario filter, so I have fond memories.... and the people are very patient there) and saw this tiny thing:
    I used it for the rest of my stay in Japan (the coffee in ours usual hotel is the only awful thing at breakfast buffet....), bought of course their freshly ground coffee and since then I bring it on every single trip anywhere! The coffee is maybe not as great as carefully weighed and filtered through Hario (and similar systems), but wonderful when one thinks of the size and the result (and the price I paid). Perfect for travels. (Just before leaving I bought another one in case I break the first one.... I don't think I'll ever find it here).

  5. Sissi: Thank you for your suggestion and the link. I have just checked the reviews of that particualr product on the Amazon site, and found it may be a good option for travelers.

    I don't know how long I will stay here myself! I have to be here to assist my parents, both of whom are in their 80s.
