March 11, 2017

Recipe for Special Curry/特別なカレーのレシピ

I have already talked about this recipe here in my blog. My parents like this special, lard-rich curry thickened with potatoes so much that I have decided to post the recipe.
3 onions
1 medium carrot
3 potatoes
1/2 Java Curry AND
1/2 Vermont Curry
700 ml water (not 1,300 or 1,400 ml)
300 g thinly sliced pork
玉ねぎ 3個
ニンジン(人参、にんじん) Mサイズ 1本
ジャガイモ 3個
ジャワカレー 1/2箱
バーモントカレー 1/2箱
水 700 ml(1,300や1,400 mlではなく)
薄切りの豚肉 300 g
1. In a pot, put 700 ml water. Put the pot on the stove and turn on the heat.
2. Cut carrot and add it to the pot.
3. Cut onions and add them to the pot.
1. 鍋に水を700 ml入れ、コンロにかけ、火を点ける。
2. ニンジンを切り、鍋に入れる。
3. 玉ねぎを切り、鍋に入れる。 
4. Peel potatoes, dice, and add to the pot.
4. じゃがいもの皮をむき、さいの目に切り、鍋に入れる。
5. When the pot comes to a boil, turn down the heat.
6. In 5 minutes, add pork.
7. Simmer for another 5 minutes (5 + 5 = 10 minutes in total).
5. 沸騰したら、火を弱める。
6. 5分後、豚肉を入れる。
7. さらに5分(合計5 + 5 = 10分)煮る。

8. Turn off the heat. Mash part or all of the potatoes with the back of the ladle.
8. 火を止め、お玉の裏側でジャガイモを一部または全部、潰す。
9. Add 2 types of curry roux.
9. 2種類のカレールーを入れる。
10. Turn on the heat to low, and mix the roux.
10. 火を点けて、弱火にして、ルーを混ぜる。


  1. Sorry, me again! I promise to stop asking so many questions soon.

    Two questions:

    1. Are these the correct curries? These are the only things I can here:

    2. Can I use chicken or beef instead of prok? Just trying to experiment really.


  2. Khash: I welcome any questions as long as they are relevant (laugh).

    1. Yes, the correct brands, but not exactly the same types as mine.
    I use the Karakuchi (Hot) type of these brands, not Chukara (Medium Hot).
    The specific Vermont Curry product linked to is of powder type, not of block type, so you must make sure that the pot cools down to 90C or so before adding it to prevent it from being lumpy.

    2. Yes! I like to use pork in curry myself, but any meat will do. Even seafood will do, too!

    If you ever find the lard content overwhelming, just convert it to regular curry by adding another 700 ml water.

  3. Great, thank you. I think I'll stick with medium rather than hot, I can't take too spicy!

    Thanks for the tip on the powder curry and water dilution.

  4. Good morning, Hiroyuki. Today, I'm going to make curry, but I did not buy it when I went to the Asian market, the cold arrived here great for Curry.

  5. diu: You mean you went to the market to buy some curry roux and forgot to buy it? That sometimes happens to me, too!
