January 8, 2011

Roasting Soybeans in a Toaster Oven/大豆をオーブントースターで煎る

I roasted some of the soybeans that my father had sent us in the toaster oven, for about 6 min. in total, occasionally stirring with a pair of wooden chopsticks.

Harder than store-bought stuff, yet very tasty.


  1. I like roasted seeds and nuts very much. Nice and healthy snacks. Once I tried a recipe with soybeans but they got to be soaked in water for a few hours and the roasting time was about 25 minutes on moderate cake bake temperature. Came out quite nice but I need spices and salt. Guess your soaybeans were much fresher and not old aged shelf ware (as in Germany) so you could neglect the soaking process?

  2. Kiki: Thanks for your comment. For no particular reasons, I have never checked how to roast soybeans. I did some googling, and yes, as you say, some recipes calls for soaking before roasting.
    I will try such a recipe and report back!
