April 22, 2011

Moyashi Tempura Don/もやし天ぷら丼

For lunch today, I made moyashi tempura don (short for donburi), using the leftover moyashi tempura that I showed in the preceding post.

Note: Tempura donburi is usually abbreviated as tendon.

Ratio for tendon sauce:
Dashi:soy sauce:mirin:sugar = 2:1:1:0.1


注: 天ぷらどんぶりは普通、天丼(てんどん)と略されます。

出汁:しょう油:みりん:砂糖 = 2:1:1:0.1

I reheated the moyashi tempura in the toaster oven.

Sadly, I had only a small amount of rice left in the rice cooker.

The moyashi tempura don was good enough for me, but I must add that tendon usually contains at least one piece of prawn tempura.

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