September 22, 2011

My Way of Making Tonjiru (Pork Soup)/私の豚汁の作り方

I'd like to talk a little bit about how I make tonjiru, because it's quite different from the way the Master of the Shinya Shokudo makes his tonjiru.

2,500 ml water
1/2 daikon
1 carrot
1 pack (about 10) satoimo (taro)
1-2 burdock roots
300 g thinly sliced pork
1 pack mushroom (ex. enoki)
1 block konnyaku
1 naga negi (not shown)
No oil required

水 2,500 ml
大根 1/2本
にんじん 1本
里芋 1パック(約10個)
ごぼう 1、2本
豚肉薄切り 300 g
きのこ(例えば、えのき) 1パック
こんにゃく 1枚
長ねぎ 1本(写真には載っていません)

The Master whittles a burdock root, while I cut mine into rolling wedges.
I can't see any satoimo in the Master's tonjiru, but I think they are indispensable in tonjiru.
The Master tears a block of konnyaku with his fingers. This is meant to increase the surface area of each bit of konnyaku, and is a very common practice (you can use a spoon instead of your fingers), but I simply cut mine into small pieces with a knife.

1. Put water in a large pot, and turn on the heat.
2. Peel and cut daikon and carrot into quarter rounds, and add to the pot.
3. Remove dirt from burdock (using wire wool, for example), cut into rolling wedges, soak in water for a few minutes, and add to the pot.
4. Cut konnyaku into small pieces, put in a bowl, add boiled water to remove odor, and add to the pot.
5. When the pot comes to a boil, set the timer for 10 min.
6. Peel and cut satoimo into 7-8 mm thick rounds, soak in water for a few minutes, and add to the pot 5 min. after the pot comes to a boil.
(Satoimo cook quickly, so 5-min. simmering should be sufficient.)
7. Cut pork, and add to the pot 8 min. after the pot comes to a boil.
(The Master puts pork in the pot at the very beginning.)
8. Cut enoki, and add to the pot.
9. When 10 min. have passed, turn off the heat.
10. Add miso.
11. Cut and add naga negi.

1. 大きな鍋に水を入れ、火をつける。
2. 大根とにんじんは皮を剥き、銀杏切りにして、鍋に入れる。
3. ぼごうの土を(金属たわし等を使って)取り、乱切りにし、水に数分漬け、鍋に入れる。
4. こんにゃくを小さく切って、ボールに入れ、熱湯を入れて、臭いを取り、鍋に入れる。
5. 鍋が沸騰したら、タイマーを10分にセットする。
6. 里芋の皮を剥いて、7、8ミリ厚の輪切りにして、水に数分漬け、鍋が沸騰してから5分後に鍋に入れる。
7. 豚肉を切り、鍋が沸騰してから8分後に鍋に入れる。
8. えのきを切って、鍋に入れる。
9. 10分経ったら、火を止める。
10. 味噌を入れる。
11. 長ねぎを切って、入れる。

The total cooking time is about 20 min.


  1. Hiroyuki, thank you for reminding Shinya Shokudo once more (I have watched the opening once more after reading your post!). I cannot make this deliciously looking soup because I lack most of the ingredients (I must see if they are sold somewhere here), but you have just given me an idea for today's lunch!

  2. (I mean I have read your post several hours ago and have already had my lunch! It's 6 pm here).

  3. Bhy the way, my Japanese teacher has told me new episodes will be on Japanese tv in October this year! (Excuse-me for the three comment in a row)

  4. Hiroyuki: Thanks to remind me of this great soup and entry of shinya shokudo. I am going to cook it sooner or later. To sissy: lucky most of the ingredients are sold in asia food stores (enoki, taro) but no konnyaku and burdock available. I have to order Konnyaku online (just recieved mochi rice, ume boshi and bonito shavings) and I am going to digg up some burdock near by at the wasteland. There are huges patches and no one is going to eat it since me (laugh)
    I wonder if black salsify wouldn't be a pretty good substitute

  5. Kiki, thank you for saying that taro is available in Asian shops! I was sure both taro and burdock were impossible to get here. I am lucky to have konnyaku in at least two Japanese shops here. I must go and see once more where I can get taro and maybe even burdock! Finally this recipe doesn't look impossible!

  6. Sissi: Konnyaku is optional. It doesn't contribute to the overall flavor of tonjiru, but at least for me, tonjiru without burdock root and taro is just intolerable!
    Note that the Master uses shiitake for mushroom.
    Some recipes call for dashi, but I don't think it's required.

  7. Kiki: Thanks for the links, especially the second one. I didn't know that such a plant existed!!!

  8. Sissi: I forgot to mention the new series of Shinya Shokudo!!

    Thanks for the great news!!! Yes, I have just confirmed it. A new series begins in October!
    Japanese only

  9. I hope the subtitles will arrive very soon! Thank you for the link!

  10. Hiroyuki: So we both learned something new. Black salsify is simply delicious: sweet, nutty and something like earth. It is also called asparagus for the poor. People don't like to prepare it because it is a pain to peel (some sort of natural glue under the skin, even wearing rubbergloves does only help a little because gloves will stick to the knife and the peel and the root).

  11. Drat! I wish I'd seen this when you posted it, I would have loved to make this last night. Perhaps I'll make tonjiru instead of kenchinjiru!

  12. Ruminating Roy: Kenchinjiru is also a great soup! Maybe I should make it and post about it here.

  13. If you don't have an asian market, taro can also be found in Hispanic grocers. They can sometimes be found in shops catering to African & Caribbean cuisines.

  14. fpunky: Thanks for the information. I had assumed that taro was limited to Asian countries.

  15. have you ever added a rice flour when making homemade shirataki noodles? would like recipe that makes noodles whiter and a pasta texture.

  16. William aperance: Rice flour? No. Is it understood that shirataki is made from potatoes called konnyaku imo? I don't think shirataki contains rice flour. Maybe you are talking about cellophane noodles or something?

  17. After watching the fourth season of Shinya Shokudo (on Netflix), I just had to make tonjiru, and I knew I could rely on you for a recipe! I was nervous about working with gobo and satoimo, as I've never cooked with these vegetables, but I couldn't let you down, since you consider them indispensable to tonjiru. I was especially intimidated because I couldn't buy a single gobo root at the Korean market - only a bag of several roots. Nevertheless, I made tonjiru, and it's a hit! I think I'll roast the rest of the gobo in the oven with shichimi togarashi :)

  18. Amy: Wow, you did it!

    Well, pork goes well with miso, and it also goes well with gobo. Satoimo is optional, but I really don't want to replace it with potatoes.

    Gobo and carrot kinpira is another great option.
