November 27, 2011

Kkakdugi (Kakuteki)/カクテキ

I made kkakdugi (kakuteki in Japanese) today.
I first cut daikon into 1.5-cm cubes, put them in a bowl, added 2% salt, and let stand for about 1 hour. I tasted some cubes, and found they were too salty for my taste, so I had to soak them in water for some time to remove some salt. Then I added some "Kimchee Base" (shown in the photo below).
まず、大根を1.5 cm角に切り、ボールに入れ、2%の塩を入れ、1時間置いておきました。少し味見すると、塩辛すぎたので、水にしばらく漬けて、塩分を少し取りました。それから、「キムチの素」(下の写真参照)を少し入れました。
Far from authentic kakuteki, but good enough for my family.


  1. These look delicious, and I can find kimchi base at my local asian grocer! I will try making these soon!

  2. This is a great way to use some of that daikon you received! I've made this a couple of times at my home, and it lasts a very long time in the refrigerator!

  3. muskrat and Ruminating Roy: I will soon make kimchi, too, as well as Japanese hakusai (Chinese cabbage) zuke.

  4. Hiroyuki, I have been meaning to make some kimchi this week too (I made it twice in my life and it was never perfect...). Your kakuteki sounds so much easier. It looks delicious too.

  5. Sissi:
    >so much easier

    Yes, if you can find Kimchee Base or a similar product, which can turn the same old salted vegetable into something quite different instantly.

  6. Hiroyuki, your kimchi photo haunted me for several days and finally I started to make kimchi too, but when I saw the price of the kimchi base I decided to opt for the longer version found on a Korean blog. I will see in a couple of days if my experiment is edible (I have bad experience with the only kimchi I made one year ago).

  7. Sissi: Looking forward to seeing your version in your blog!
