December 16, 2011

Mushrooms Stir-Fried with Butter and Soy Sauce/きのこのバターしょう油炒め

I made some stir-fried mushrooms today.

My way of making it is as follows:
1. Put mushrooms in a frying pan, add some salt, put on a lid, cook over medium heat for 1-2 min.
2. Take off the lid, start stir-frying to evaporate water.
3. Turn off the heat, add some butter, and sprinkle some soy sauce.
1. フライパンにきのこを入れ、塩を入れ、蓋をして、中火で1~2分火を通す。
2. 蓋を取り、水分を飛ばすよう炒め始める。
3. 火を止め、バターを入れ、しょう油を振り掛ける。

Stir-fried eryngii and oyster mushroom:
My way is intended to make the butter and soy sauce aromas stand out on the table not in the kitchen.

No matter how you make it, mushrooms stir-fried with butter and soy sauce is one of those dishes that are so easy to make yet very, very tasty.


  1. muskratbyte: Thanks! I visited your blog and was amused to see that the second post was about ramen noodles. I hope to see more of your adventures in cooking and more.

  2. Those look so good! Eryngii mushrooms are fairly cheap at the store I buy most of my long-term ingredients from, and they've always got huge piles of nameko and enokitake on the same table. I think we'll have this as one of our okazu next week!

  3. Ruminating Roy: As you may know, the butter and soy sauce are a powerful combination that goes with many other ingredients, such as pop corn!

  4. I tossed some freshly popped butter-flavored pop corn with a tiny bit of soy sauce and gave it a dash of nanami togarashi last winter, it was pretty good! I may have to do that one again after New Year's is finished.

  5. looks delicious
    I invite You to visit my blog too:

  6. anonymous: Thanks for the invitation. I visited your blog, and although I didn't understand a single word of Spanish, I enjoyed looking at the photos!

  7. Hiro-san, that's funny, because I've only posted infrequently to my blog over the years. I've recently decided to update my blog regularly. I originally created it to document my craft projects, so I haven't decided whether to create a new blog for cooking mostly, or just keep updating my same blog.
