January 5, 2012

Renkon no Hasami Yaki/レンコンのはさみ焼き

I didn't make an osechi ryori with renkon (lotus root) after all. Instead, I made renkon no hasami yaki as part of supper tonight.
hasami < hasamu = to sandwich, to pinch, etc.
yaki < yaku = to fry, to bake, to burn, etc.


300 g ground pork
20-cm long renkon, cut into 5-mm thick slices
1 naga negi, finely chopped
1/2 tsp salt
Ginger, grated
Appropriate amount of katakuriko (potato starch) or komeko (rice flour)
豚の挽き肉 300 g
レンコン 長さ20 cm。5 mm厚に切る
長ねぎ 1本 みじん切り
塩 小さじ1/2

I recently bought a bag of komeko made from Koshihikari rice produced in the Shiozawa area.

Great foodstuff. I will use it for other dishes as well in the future.

I fried half of the hasami yaki in a frying pan, with a small amount of oil.
I put the other half in the toaster oven and heated for 8 minutes.

The sauce is a 1:1:1 combination of sake, soy sauce, and mirin, as usual.

The good news is that we have finished off all the osechi tonight!


  1. I still have to taste lotus root... I see it frozen in my Japanese shop, but I will make it one day. I loved the hasami yaki I made with daikon after your daikon post.

  2. Sissi: Renkon is liked for its crunchiness. I hope your frozen renkon is crunchy enough!

  3. I love lotus root (renkon)! It's delicious (though not as healthy) in tempura. I've never before seen daikon or lotus root used the way you do.

  4. muskratbyte: Here in Japan, renkon no hasami "age" (coated and deep-fried) is very popular.

  5. Renkon is one of my favourite ramen toppings. A local place uses them and they're so delicious and crunchy. I'd love to try out this recipe as lotus root is fairly easy to buy here.

  6. Joanna: Thanks for your comment. Renkon for ramen toppings!? That sounds innovative to me! I hope you like renkon hasami yaki and age!

  7. Thank you, Hiroyuki. Since I have no idea what taste or texture it has, I wouldn't know if the softness or crunchiness are due to the freezing.

  8. Sissi: Once frozen lotus roots are still firm but they have lost some of their crispness and tend to be stringy. Fresh lotus root reminds on raw consumed german turnips - concerning the texture and crispness and mild taste. In fact I think you could even prepare german turnip no Hasami Yaki.
