March 14, 2012

White Day 2012/2012年のホワイトデー

March 14 is White Day in Japan. As requested by my daughter, I made some very simple cookies, plain and cocoa-flavored ones.
I turned some cookie dough into a thin sheet to use it as a base for rare cheese cake. I somehow hate the idea of crushing crackers, adding some butter to them, and use them as a base.

I baked the sheet in the toaster oven for about 8 min.

Sorry for the ugly photo. It was good!


  1. Really cute cookies! I think it's the first time I see cookies made by you! (I have already seen cheesecakes, but never cookies!). You are so kind to bake them for your daughter.
    I have heard just a bit about the White Day. I must google some more information.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Those look delicious! I think the point of crumbling the cookies is so that the crust is nice and tender and easy to cut through with a fork. When baked in a solid sheet, the crust tends to be tougher. But yours looks great!

    I read news this morning that there was another earthquake, near Hokkaido. Just wanted to check on you and make sure you're safe. I wasn't sure where 'Snow Country' is, but somewhere in Hokkaido was my guess. (Incidentally, that's where my grandmother was from) At any rate, please let us know you and you're family are safe! Gambatte neh?

  4. Sissi: My daughter asked me to make the same cookies as those that my dauther and I made for Valentine's Day, on Valentine's Day! I decided to make some changes and I also decided to make rare cheesecake (another favorite of hers).

    I talked with my wife, and she said she wanted one or two cans of non-alcoholic drink for White Day.

    Now you know how frugal my family is!

  5. muskratbyte: Cheesecake is high in calories, and I hate the idea of adding more calories by adding butter to the base. I thought that if the base was thin enough, it would become soft due to the moisture from the cheesecake. My daughter said the base was still tough, and she had to break it.

    Thanks for your concerns, but we even didn't feel the earthquake because the intensity 震度 was only 1 here.

    The word yukiguni (yuki (snow) + guni (< kuni (country)) can be used to refer to any area where a considerable amount of snow falls in the winter, but the locale of the novel, Yukiguni, written by Kawabata is Yuzawa, Niigata prefecture, which is adjacent to my city.

  6. For non-baked cheese/cream cakes I also use a sponge cake bottom layer. Sponge cake is made from flour, egg yolks/whites and sugar only - no extra fat or not as fat as shortcake crumbs with butter. And it is soft. But your cake looked nice and the cookies too so no way she could have some complains. At least we all got teeth...

  7. Kiki: Thanks for the suggestion, but sponge cake kind of puts me off as well...

    I guess I should have baked meringue...

    Anyway, my daughter liked both of my cookies and cheesecake very much. I gave some of the cookies and one-fourth of the cheesecake to the friend of hers who gave me a piece of chocolate on Valentine's Day. Her family said that they were good!
