May 25, 2012

Onion and Egg Stir-Fry/玉ねぎと卵の炒め物

There is no formal name for this simple dish. While I was thinking about ultimate egg dishes, I remembered this very simple dish, which my mother used to make when I was small.
4 eggs
1 large onion
1 pack button mushrooms (optional)
Salt and pepper
Soy sauce or store-bought mentsuyu (noodle soup) concentrate
卵 4個
玉ねぎ 大 1個
マッシュルーム 1パック(お好みで)


  1. Hiroyuki, it sounds like scrambled eggs with onion and mushrooms. I never prepare scrambled eggs without frying onion beforehand. It gives a wonderful taste to the eggs. I think I have never made scrambled eggs with mushrooms though. The dish looks delicious.

  2. Sissi: Probably, then, people all over the world like the combination of egg and onion!

    I bought a pack of fresh button mushrooms yesterday, and I added them simply because my son likes mushrooms in any dish (laugh).

  3. Eggs and onions are a classic combination! This looks delicious.

  4. muskratbyte: Thanks for your confirmation! So, they are a favorite combination for many people!
