May 19, 2012

Udo and Kinome/ウドと木の芽

Yesterday, I got some udo from a sister-in-law.

I wanted to make tempura with the leaves, but I didn't have enough time, so I made kinpira with them all today.

And, today, I got this amount of kinome (young shoots of three-leaf akebia)from a neighbor!

I'm sure you will have to pay more than 1,000 yen to buy them at a local supermarket here.
As I have said several times in my blog, kinome usually means young leaves of sansho.
I simply boiled them all for a few minutes, and had them with ponzu and katsuobushi.

Local people here like to have boiled kinome with eggs (particularly quail eggs) and soy sauce.

I know this post is repetitious, but I just can't help posting about sansai when I get them!


  1. ウド looks like a plant growing here, often near rivers and on wet meadows. But it is not the same - I just researched it in the net. The taste of ウド is described as reminding on celery stalks. I wish I had time to go on a search for wild plants too but there is none and the season is almost over yet because it is totally hot and humid outside.
    You have really nice neigbours (and sister in laws) sharing their harvest/food.

  2. Kiki: I can't describe what udo tastes like. It has its own distinctive flavor.

    Osusowake おすそ分け is such a common custom in Japan. Giving friends, relatives, and neighbors お土産 (omiyage, souvenirs) after you return from a trip is also very, very common.

  3. I am curious, Hiroyuki: are the quail eggs boiled or raw when eaten with kinome? Either way sounds absolutely delicious!

  4. Ruminating Roy: My bad! Raw eggs! I often forget that something taken for granted in one culture is not necessarily taken for granted in another.

    One photo here:

    Some people like to use only an egg yolk

    Combination of egg yolk, katsuobushi, noodle soup, and mayo (optional):

  5. Hiroyuki-san

    Do you ever cook using itadori (Japanese knotweed) shoots? To me it tastes just like rhubarb.

  6. Akebi is quite commonly grown as an ornamental here. It is very interesting that the young shoots are harvested. I expect you eat the fruits too.

  7. Rhizowen: Yes, I did once, years ago.
    I removed aku (bitterness, harshness, etc.) by soaking in water and pan-fried with pork.

    Some people say that it tastes like rhubarb. I almost made itadori jam, but gave up at the last minute, as I described here:

  8. Rhizowen: Young shoots of akebi are a delicacy enjoyed by the people of Niigata and some other prefectures only.

    I like the fruit, too.
