February 10, 2013

Natsumikan Marmalade/夏みかんのマーマレード

Today, I got a box of naga negi, about 20 natsumikan, and about 20 grapefruits from my father.
I thought I would make marmalade with some of the natsumikan.  Coincidentally, Kiki posted about her home-made seville orange marmalade to her blog.  I thought I had to make mine soon.

So, I selected these five less stained ones.  I measured the weight of each, and they were 290, 280, 310, 350, and 430 g, or 1,660 g in total.
そこで、このあまり汚れていない5個を選びました。それぞれ重さを測ると、290、280、310、350、430 g、全部で1,660 gでした。
I peeled them first.
These are the only portions I had to dispose of.
I then blanched the peelings in boiling water for a few minutes and put them in cold water to cool.
Then, I cut the peelings into small pieces and soaked in cold water.  I will let them stand overnight.
The flesh is in the fridge.

To be continued.


  1. I learned Natsumikan are the same as Seville oranges (Citrus × aurantium) - more or less, there may be some minor differences. Quite annoying to cut the peels by hand. I don't use my kitchen processor that often, but it really did a great job with the mandoline blade - I decided on using it after I cut the first orange peels (laugh).
    The fragrance of these oranges is heavenly, isn't. The whole house smelled so nice as I was simmering the peels.

  2. Kiki: Natsumikan is Citrus natsudaidai, while seville orange is called daidai 橙 or ダイダイ in Japanese. The former is good to eat (sweet and very sour), while the latter is not suitable for eating, and is used as an ornament on top of kagami mochi in the New Year season.

    I will make the marmalade today, and I hope I can smell the fragrance!
