April 18, 2013

Tamogitake and Numeri Sugitake/タモギタケとヌメリスギタケ

Yesterday, I went to the local A-COOP store, where I found these two mysterious mushrooms. The varieties not indicated on the labels. I later called the producer to ask her what they were. My son was right. They were tamogitake and numeri sugitake (Pholiota adiposa).

I asked my son how he wanted to have these mushrooms. His request: takikomi gohan for tamogitake and clear soup for numeri sugitake.

I made takikomi gohan in my usual way: first parboiling the mushroom with water, soy sauce, sake, and mirin for a few minutes, adding the liquid to the rice cooker pot, but NOT adding the mushroom.
炊き込みご飯は私の普段の作り方で作りました: きのこを水、しょう油、お酒、みりんで数分茹でて、液は炊飯器に入れますが、きのこは入れません。
We had kogomi (fiddleheads) for the first time in this season.
I didn't collect them, but I bought them...

After the rice is cooked, I placed some mushrooms on top of the rice.
Clear soup:
This time, I added some wakame seaweed and beaten eggs.


  1. Good to have an expert for mushroom at home. The mushroom rice looks really very nice.
    Fiddleheads - thanks for reminding me. The place for planting some ferns has aready been prepared but I have forgotten to order some.

  2. I love fiddleheads but they are so expensive compared to other vegetables that they are almost a luxury!

  3. Kiki: At 200 yen per bag, they are steals. The producer (enoki producer) is an acquaintance, and she told me that her husband cultivates them as a hobby.

    I highly recommend fiddleheads (ostrich fern) because they are not bitter at all. Warabi (bracken fern) shoots are bitter.

    Stacy: In Japan, fiddleheads are not very expensive (this amount was sold for 220 yen), so I often buy them when I find them at the supermarket. (Local people here would laugh at me for doing so.)

  4. Looks delicious! They sell fiddleheads here in California as well in spring time, but I always find them slightly bitter and have to blanch them first to get rid of the bitterness. I wonder if it's a different kind of fern?

  5. Yangsze: Slightly bitter? Maybe a slightly different kind...
    Here in Japan, fiddleheads (kogomi) are one of the few sansai (lit. mountain vegetables) that require no akunuki (lit. harshness removal).
