May 28, 2013

Sakadane, Update/酒種、更新

Last night, my sakadane smelled of alcohol. Signs of full fermentation? Anyway, I put it in the fridge. It might be ready for use in making bread, but it was bubbling very weakly. So, I added some (about 1 tbsp) flour and let sit at room temperature for a few hours.
Edited to add: I also added 1 tsp sugar.
追記: 砂糖も小さじ1杯入れました。
Instead of making bread, I decided to make saka manju, to be more precise, saka manju with no an (bean jam) in them. I transferred the sakadane to a Tupperware container, and added 100 g cake flour.
パンを作る代わりに、酒饅頭を作ることにしました。正確に言うと、餡のない酒饅頭です。酒種をタッパーに移し、薄力粉を100 g入れました。
For those of you who don't know what saka manju are, here are images.
I hope it rises properly.
I will add a total of 300-350 g flour to the sakadane.
酒種には全部で300~350 g小麦粉を足します。
I have another jar of sakadane, which I will use to make bread.
To be continued.


  1. I love reading about your experiments. I hope the sakadane is a success!

  2. Badcat: Thanks! I hope I can make saka manju today.
