June 10, 2013

Iwashi no Ume Ni (Sardines Simmered with Umeboshi/いわしの梅煮

As part of supper tonight, my wife made iwashi no ume ni (sardines simmered with umeboshi).
I asked her how she made it. She replied she used soy sauce, mirin, a small amount of instant dashi (optional), umeboshi, and ginger (and water, I suppose) to simmer four sardines, previously beheaded and gutted by me.
For those of you who want to make this dish, here is a list of ingredients from one recipe (Japanese only):
4 sardines
2 umeboshi (low-salt)
1/2 knob ginger
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp mirin
Soy sauce to mirin ratio = 1:1
1 cup (= 200 ml) water
いわし 4尾
梅干し 2個(低塩)
しょうが 1/2片
しょう油 大さじ1
みりん 大さじ1
(しょう油とみりんの割合 = 1:1)
水 1カップ(= 200 ml)
My wife's portion:
Bent because previously beheaded and gutted by me and stored in a bag in the partial freezing compartment of the fridge.
My daughter's:
Best-looking of the four.
As the summer approaches, we crave for sour and refreshing dishes like this.


  1. It sounds really good! There is nothing better than sour food (or drink!) when it's hot. Do you think I could use bainiku paste instead? I have to finish the big package I bought a long time ago...

  2. Sissi: I'm not sure but I think you could. Actually, my wife used the ume katsuo (umeboshi with some salt removed + mirin + katsuobushi) that I had previously made for my son's bento.
    I hope you try the recipe. By using umeboshi and ginger, any fishy smell of sardines will be gone!

  3. Thank you! I will make experiments (especially when the knife finally arrives and cutting fish will be easier ;-) ).

  4. I can't really get low-salt umeboshi. Do you think it would be sufficient to soak the umeboshi in water to remove some of the salt? I may try this with mackeral. I can't get decent fresh sardines.

  5. This looks so good. I like sweet sour salty dishes the most. Gonna buy some sardines soon.

  6. muskratbyte: Yes, exactly. Simply soak your umeboshi in water for some time.

    Kiki: Simmer for 20-40 min. on low heat, with an otoshi-buta (drop lid), so you can eat them whole.

  7. Yangsze: Thanks! And, it's delicious and sappari (refreshing)!

  8. Hiroyuki (sorry for treating you again as my Japanese teacher ;-) I sometimes try to read the hiragana and katakana parts of your Japanese texts and it's a good exercise), can I say "sappari" of a drink too? Like the famous "sawaa" for example? (Though for me it would be rather less feminine shochu rokku with these huge square ice I dream of...).

  9. Sissi: Yes, of course, as in:
    sappari shita sawa
    Kono sawa wa sappari shiteru.

  10. Arigatou gozaimasu, sensei! You are a very good Japanese teacher! I think I will exercise with your Japanese texts more often. Only this week I learnt at least twenty very useful new words!
