August 6, 2013

Learning from Shukan Flavor 2/週間フレーバーで学ぶ 2

Last Tuesday, I ordered some more coffee, together with a bag of Matsuya's original paper filters for 5 cups, because I wanted to do some experiments. They arrived last Thursday.
The Matsuya drip method is explained on the back.
Three bags of the same brand (Mocha) with different grinds (coarse, medium, and fine):
I first tried the medium grind.
Compare Matsuya's paper filter with Kono's (for 2 cups):
As you can see, Matsuya's paper filter is sewn at one end.
50 g of the medium grind:
中挽き50 g:
After 3-minute "murashi" (steaming):
After 300-cc brewing:
300 cc抽出後: 
It took me about 2 seconds and 45 minutes to brew this amount.
According to Shukan Flavor No. 70, the brewing time should be about 1 minute and 30 seconds (50 g coarse grind, 300 cc  coffee). I think 2 minutes and 45 seconds is too long even if the grind is medium. Even for a coarse grind, it takes me to more than 2 minutes to brew 300 cc coffee. I have posted a question there, as ymhr312.
週間フレーバーNo. 70では、抽出時間は1分30秒程度(粗挽き50 g、コーヒー300 cc)だそうで、2分45秒は中挽きだとしても長すぎると思います。粗挽きでさえ、300 ccのコーヒーの抽出に2分以上かかります。ymhr312として質問をしてあります。

Naturally, I diluted the coffee with an equal amount of water.

I drank a cup, and found it was very similar to the type of coffee served at most kissaten (coffee houses) in Japan.  Anyway, it was bitterer than the coffee I make from coarsely ground coffee.
I was reluctant to use the fine grind, because I didn't want to have much bitterer coffee. Today, while watching Shukan Flavor 1 (Learning Cold-Brew Coffee), I learned a very good way of using the find grind: "Ice brewing" coffee.
I used a 900-ml PET bottle. I cut the bottom of the bottle with my outdoor knife, not completely but leaving some portion uncut. Then, I plugged the top with a paper towel from the inside, and covered the top with another paper towel from the outside and secured the towel with a rubber band.
900 mlのPETボトルを使いました。ボトルの底をアウトドアナイフで切り(完全にではなく、少し切らずにおいて)、キッチンペーパーで上部を内側から塞ぎ、別のキッチンペーパーで上部を外側から包み、輪ゴムでとめました。
I inserted the bottle into the server, upside down, and put 50 ml of the fine grind.
ボトルを逆さにサーバーに入れ、細挽きを50 ml入れました。 
Then, I wetted the coffee grounds with hot water. I then filled the bottle with cubes of ice.
次にお湯でコーヒーの粉を濡らしました。 次に氷をボトルに一杯入れました。
Top view:
I then closed the bottom with cellophane tape to keep off dust.

It will take about 6 hours to brew coffee this way.

To be continued.
Edited to add:
6 hours later, I got 300 cc very strong coffee.
6時間後、とても濃いコーヒーが300 ccできました。
I still got some ice left in the bottle.
I was curious to know if the coffee grounds still had any flavorful components left in them, so I poured some hot water, 
I got this amount of coffee. I drank some of it, and decided to throw it away.
The coffee grounds now look like this:
In the video, Nakagawa-san suggests making affogato with the "iced-brewed" coffee. Instead, I simply poured some of it, unheated, over ice cream.
Very good!


  1. Very interesting. I wonder if the slowly brewed cold coffee is stronger in caffeine than if it had been brewed quicker. I have read that filter coffee is in general stronger in caffeine because it's brewed slower than espresso. It's funny but filter coffee is usually weaker in taste (and lighter in colour), but actually it's stronger in caffeine!

  2. Cold brewed coffee - never seen this. Amazing. Besides: I think the problem with sticking filter paper has something to do with the paper fabric.

  3. Sissi: I'm not 100% sure but I think such coffee contains less caffeine. It's less acidic for sure.

    I can't talk about the Melitta or Kalita method because I have never tried either, but the Matsuya method can produce very strong coffee, so can the "ice brew" method.

    Kiki: Cold brewed coffee has some great features such as less acidity, less off-flavors, and slow deterioration, so I hope you try it some day.

    As for the sticking problem, Nakagawa-san says that it's difficult to make "deep" (well defined?) ribs with ceramic drippers than plastic ones.

  4. hiroyuki ....Amazing post as always ...I am not a fan of cold brewed coffee as there is no acidity...So I use a regular vietnamese phin to make a strong shot of coffee and mix it with ice cold milk with ice cubes ...Refreshing on any day ...but specially on a hot summer day...Another trick to make ice coffee with more acidity is to add 3 -4 tablespoons ( twice the coffee weight ) of very hot water around 210F/ 98C and then after one minute of bloom , added all the extra water in the form of ice cubes ....After 12 -18 hrs of brew time you got ice coffee which almost can pass for a regular brew of my friends who has stomach issues relies on this method ...Even better is use a kono or hario and split your brew water into 2 . One half of ice and other half of hot water 98c ...Brew your coffee right onto ice ...The resulting brew can be mixed with extra ice to make cold coffee ....

  5. Dan: Thank you for your very detailed suggestions. Mixing a cold brew with other types of coffee is a great idea!

    In Shukan Flavor 1, Nakagawa-san clearly proves that ice drip-brewing can produce much stronger coffee than cold brewing (steeping method like Toddy). I will try another method, which I learned from another Shukan Flavor video, soon.

  6. Hiroyuki, I know only the Italian pressure method and the filter machine comparison: filtered coffee is stronger in caffeine apparently because the grains are much longer and slower infused. In any pressure method it takes really much less time, hence the lower caffeine level (which has nothing to do with the strength of taste). Logically, the slower it's infused the more caffeine... but maybe the temperature plays a role too?
    The other day in my organic shop there was a lady promoting a new brand of (very expensive) Chinese teas. She said it's possible to infuse tea in cold water but for a long time! I have never tried it...

  7. Sissi: Yes, it takes a long time, but I think you can make cold green tea literally overnight.
