August 24, 2013

Matsuya Coffee's Genuine 5-Cup Dripper vs. Flavor Coffee's Version of the Same Dripper/松屋コーヒーの純正5杯用ドリッパーとフレーバーコーヒー版のドリッパー

Matsuya Coffee sells their original wire-frame drippers for 3, 5, 10, and 20 cups, as well as accompanying paper filters for 3, 5, 10, and 20 cups.
Page listing filters and drippers/フィルターとドリッパーのページ

Flavor Coffee also sells Matsuya's original wire-frame drippers for 3, 5, 10, and 20 cups, among others.

Page listing drippers, dome-shaped lids, etc./ドリッパー、ドーム型のふた等のページ

It is important to note that the wire-frame dripper for 5 cups available from Flavor Coffee differs from the genuine one available from Matsuya Coffee.

In, Shukan Flavor 53, Nakagawa-san explains why his dripper differs.

Shukan Flavor 53/週間フレーバー53

At 21:27, he shows the 3-cup dripper.
At 21:41, he compares the 3-cup dripper (right) with the 5-cup dripper available from Flavor Coffee.
At 22:00, he compares the 3-cup dripper (right) with the genuine 5-cup dripper available from Matsuya Coffee.
At 22:15, he shows that the 3-cup dripper fits in Kalita's 300-ml server.
At 22:24, he shows that the genuine 5-cup dripper doesn't fit in the server.
At 22:25, he shows that Flavor Coffee's version fits in the server.
At 23:00, he compares Flavor Coffee's version (right) with the genuine one.
He explains that these portions (four vertical segments) are bent (inward).
At 23:38, he places a 1-cup (2- or 3-cup, I suppose) filter in the genuine 5-cup dripper.
At 23:55, he places the filter in the Flavor Coffee's version.
He explains one great advantage of FC's version: For a small amount of coffee grounds like 20 g, you can get a greater height of coffee grounds than the genuine one, so you can get stronger coffee.
22:15、3人用ドリッパーがカリタの300 mlサーバーにフィットすることを示します。
フレーバーコーヒー版の大きな利点を説明します。20 gなど少量のコーヒーの粉では、純正品よりも粉を高くできるので、より濃いコーヒーを淹れられます。

In summary, if you get a 5-cup dripper from Flavor Coffee, you can use it to brew 1-5 cups of coffee, and you need not get a 3-cup dripper.


  1. Awesome post as usual ...Thanks for all your efforts and time ! ..You sir are truly the ambassador of matsuya style coffee !

  2. Dan: Thanks! But I really don't know what Matsuya Coffee and Flavor Coffee will think of this and other posts about the Matsuya method in my blog...

  3. Hiroyuki ....What you are doing is a service to the coffee world and also to the non japanese speaking world in general ...They ought to be proud of someone like you ...Thats my humble opinion ...

  4. Dan: Thanks again for your kind words.

    By the way, I replied your email yesterday, but it didn't delivered to you. Could you send me an email again?

  5. email resent hiroyuki ...

  6. Dan: Thanks for your quick action. I replied to your email again, but it returned again. Some kind of technical problem???

  7. Not technical issue on my side ..Just received a bunch of mail from my friends ...Anyways please try one more time ....Pl try sending it to my primary mail) and also cc a copy to ....We shall figure this out today :-)

  8. Also please check if there are any issues with your service provider email service...Looks like you can accept inbound emails( as emails to you are not returned) but no outbound connection ...Pl let me know.
