November 28, 2013

Trying to Make a Better Coffee Roaster, Part 4 (Final)/もっと良いコーヒー焙煎機作りに挑戦、パート4(最終)

I was in no mood for making another attempt with the alumite pot, and I decided to roast the remaining 255 g of coffee beans in my milk can roaster.
アルマイトの鍋で挑戦する気にもならず、ミルク缶焙煎機で残りの豆255 gを焙煎することにしました。
I succeeded in roasting this amount of coffee beans properly.
In the garage, where I roast coffee beans, there are persimmons hanging from ropes near the window.
Some have already been eaten by my son.
These are the equipment and tools that I use to roast coffee.
My two attempts to roast coffee beans (200 g and 300 g) in an alumite pot have ended in failure. I have a feeling that I should search for a large can with a diameter of, say, 15-18 cm, make a roaster with it, and try to roast up to 300 g of coffee beans. (I have a feeling that 500 g will be too much for a pot, pan, wok, kettle, and so on.)
アルマイトの鍋でコーヒー豆を焙煎するという私の2回の挑戦(200 g、300 g)は失敗に終わりました。直径15~18 cm程度の大きな缶を探して、それで焙煎機を作り、コーヒー豆を最大300 g焙煎することに挑戦すべきだという気がします(鍋、フライパン、中華鍋、やかんなどでは500 gは多過ぎる気がします)。


  1. Still at your quest to the perfect home roast, this is so interesting! I found this on a german coffee wiki, a set of images about how to make your own roaster. Main parts are a hamster wheel and an hot air gun. Both can easily be bought second hand (in Germany):

  2. Kiki: Thank you for the link. There are coffee geeks everywhere!
    I wanted to see the coffee beans roasted with the roaster.

    This roaste is similar to the one you linked to:

    I'm not a coffee geek; I just want to home-roast coffee minimum cost.
    You may think I'm stupid, but I don't mind shaking a pot/roaster for tens of minutes at all. I enjoy shaking it up and down and sideways while watching how the beans are roasted. Educational and fun (laugh)

  3. Before my boyfriend started working for a coffee roasting company, he also used to roast coffee at home. Our equipment was a small second hand popcorn popper. It's a lot like the milk can roaster except there is a mechanism that constantly keeps the beans rotating. However, it also has the limitations of only roasting a small amount of coffee at a time. It's probably even smaller capacity than the milk can roaster and has a tendency to shut off if it's too hot.

    I like seeing all the different home devices people have come up with to try and roast coffee at home. However, a successful roast done at home is so much better than buying cheap roasted beans from the supermarket, and it's cheaper too. I hope you manage to find a solution for larger volume roasts!

  4. Joanna: Thank you for your comment. I understand that popcorn poppers and hot air guns are popular tools for roasting coffee in the United States (and probably less popular in Japan).
    For now, I'd like to follow Nakagawa-san's style of coffee roasting: Direct-flame roasting, 10-minute drying, first crack in 14-15 minutes, and so on.

    Today, I visited the second hand store again, and bought a 19 cm diameter kettle, among others. I hope I succeeed this time.
