October 19, 2014

Mushroom Workshop in 2013/2013年のきのこ講習会

Let me talk a little bit about the mushroom workshop held in Minami Uonuma city last year, from 10:00 to 13:30, on Wednesday, October 9.

The workshop was held in Ikazawa Camp Site.
The participants were allowed to go mushroom hunting by noon.
I was not very interested in mushroom hunting in the mountains because the trees there are mostly cedar, and spent more time near the camp site, hoping to find some interesting mushrooms such as hatake shimeji (Lyophyllum decastes).

I did find some edible mushroom there, but only a small quantity of it. When I showed it to the lecturer later, he said he wanted it, so I gave it to him.

Very big pot!
This pot contained mushroom soup. The participants were also given mushroom takikomi gohan.
Generous amount of mushrooms!
Inside the building:

Left: Doku tsuru take (Amanita virosa), very poisonous
Right: Beni tengu take (Amanita muscaria), poisnous
Left: Tama shiro oni take (Amanita abrupta), very poisonous
Right: Tsukiyo take (Omphalotus guepiniformis, Omphalotus japonicus), poisonous
Left: Kabairo tsuru take (Amanita fulva), poisonous*1
Right: Ko tamego tengu take (Amanita citrina var. citrina), poisonous
*1 Generally considered edible.

Left: Sugi hira take*2 (Pleurocybella porrigens), poisonous
Right: Oshiroi shimeji (Lyophyllum connatum), poisonous
*2 Written mistakenly as sugi eda take on the paper.

Left: Kabano ana take (Inonotus obliquus), consumed as tea.
Right: Man-nen take (Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss. ex. Fr.) Karst), inedible
Top left: Sen-nin take (Scutiger pes-caprae), edible
Top middle: Yama iguchi (Leccinum scabrum), edible
Top right: Hana iguchi (Suillus grevillei), edible
Bottom left: Watage naratake, (Armillaria gallica) edible
Bottom center: Tama ura beni take (Entoloma abortivum), edible
Bottom right: Maitake (Grifola frondosa), edible
Top left: Numeri sugitake modoki (Pholiota aurivella (Batsch: Fr.) Kummer), edible
Top right: Ai take (Russula virescens), edible
Bottom left: Murasaki fousen take (Cortinarius violaceus), edible
Bottom right: Kanoshita (Hydnum repandum), edible
Top left: Ebi take (Ganoderma tsunodae), inedible
Top right: Murasaki hatsu (Russula krombholtzii), edible
Bottom left: Kou take (Sarcodon aspratus), edible
Bottom right: Shiro kikurage (Tremella fuciformis), edible
Top left: Aka kabairo take (Russula compacta), inedible
Top right: Oo chirimen take (Trametes gibbosa ), inedible
Bottom left: Iro gawari shiro hatsu (Russula metachroa), inedible 
Bottom right: Niga kuritake modoki?, inedible
Kusahatsu (Russula foetens), poisonous
Oo warai take (Gymnopilus junonius), poisonous


  1. Greetings from Singapore - your blog is very interesting! I found it while I was googling what sort of mushroom to put in okonomiyaki. I like all the descriptions of mushrooms and mushroom hunting! I didn't know Japan had such an abundant mushroom culture!

  2. Vina: Japan is a mountainous country, so it's natural that we love mushrooms. It's also an island country, so it's natural that we love fish and seafood!

    I hope you had yummy okonomiyaki!

  3. The Mushroom Workshop seems to be really informative. I showed your Blog to my wife. She want to grow mushrooms at home. We are trying Butter Mushrooms to make some vegetarian dish and of course some Soup.

  4. seeandoh: I have grown shiitake, oyster, and maitake (hen-of-the-woods) mushrooms before. I also want to start growing less popular yet tasty mushrooms some day.
