May 11, 2015

Coffee Brewing Experiment/コーヒー抽出実験

The R-440, the coffee mill I have purchased recently, has ten grind settings, 1 to 10. Here is a photo showing coffee beans ground with settings of 1 (left) and 9 (right).
Since I got this commercial grinder, I have kept making brewing experiments. Here is one such example.

I'm not a type of person who would spend extra money for such experiments. I search through the kitchen for any appropriate items. So far, I have found these items quite useful.
Tea strainer and an insulated mug attached with a lid.

The strainer fits perfectly in the 300-ml mug.
茶こしは、300 mlのコップにぴったり入ります。
1. Put coarsely ground coffee in the strainer.
1. 粗挽きのコーヒーを茶こしに入れます。
2. Pour a small amount of water directly from the thermos.
2. 魔法瓶から直接、お湯を少量注ぎます。
Note: Ideally, pour hot water at 95 degrees C (203 degrees F). The water from the thermos should be 85-90 degrees.
注: 理想的には、摂氏95度(華氏203度)のお湯を注ぎます。魔法瓶から出るお湯は85~90度程度です。

3. Put on the lid. Let it sit for 3 minutes (not 30 seconds) for blooming.
3. 蓋をします。3分(30秒ではなく)放置して、蒸らします。
Note: It takes 3 minutes to release all CO2 from the coffee beans.
注: コーヒー豆からCO2を全て抜くのに3分かかります。 
4. Pour additional water from the thermos. DO NOT STIR!
4. 魔法瓶からお湯をさらに注ぎます。かき混ぜない!
5. Put on the lid, and let it sit for 3 minutes.
5. 蓋をして、3分放置します。
Three minutes have passed.
6. Remove the strainer from the mug, using a chopstick or something similar, if necessary.
6. コップから茶こしを外します(必要なら、箸などを使って)。
7. Transfer the coffee from another mug, leaving the dregs in the initial mug.
7. コーヒーを別のカップに移します。コーヒーのカスは最初のマグに残します。
Dregs in the mug.
The coffee is full of fines and oils. Some oil is floating on the coffee.
Completely different from the coffee made with the Matsuya method, but it's good in its own way.

Almost forgot the basic data:
20 g coffee beans
300 g water
コーヒー豆 20 g
お湯 300 g

To be continued.


  1. Interesting. Maybe you have heard of this method already, but the first time I saw it was when I went to visit a coffee wholesaler. They do coffee tastings something like this method. They call it "coffee cupping" and they say that although it is completely different from how people would normally brew coffee, this method tells them all the possibilities a particular bean can have.

  2. Tea Apprentice: You could say that this method is similar to cupping, but I deliberately applied the long 3-minute blooming technique of the Matsuya method, in an attempt to extract all flavorful components within the 3-minute infusion time.

  3. I will try this! But Hiroyuki, by chance have you try with French press method or other kind?

  4. Anonymous: Thanks!

    Not yet. I think I'll try French press method in the near future. I hope to be able to tell the difference between coffees brewed with and without stirring the coffee grounds.

  5. You are a hard core coffee fan. Where do you get your Coffee Bean from ? Are they Organic ?

  6. seeandoh: I usually get them online. There are no sources for green coffee beans around here. No, they're NOT organic, I suppose.
