June 19, 2016

Making Low-Salt Umeboshi/低塩梅干しを作る

Today, I got another box of ume from my father.
About 12 kg of ume in total. Riper than the previous ume, which was obvious from the fruity aroma that I sensed as soon as I opened the box.
全部で12 kgくらいの梅です。以前の梅より熟しています。箱を開けてすぐ、フルーティーな香りで分かりました。

I decided to make the low-salt umeboshi that my father talked about last year. I called my father, thanked him for the ume, and asked him to tell me about the recipe.
For his recipe, ripe ume are used, and the ones he gave me this time were not suitable for his recipe, but he suggested I choose the riper ones and try the recipe.

I first rinsed the ume with water. Then, I removed the heta from each ume, using a bamboo skewer. Then I rinsed them with water again, and drained.
Left: Ao (lit. blue or unripe) ume
Right: Riper, yellowish, and aromatic ume
1. Put the riper ume in a container, and add 5% salt.
2. Put enough water to cover the ume.
1. 熟したほうの梅を容器に入れ、塩を5%入れます。
2. 梅がかぶるくらいの水を入れます。 
Left: 4 kg riper ume + 200 g salt + water to cover the ume
Right: 2 kg ao ume + 0.8 kg riper ume (2.8 kg in total) + 140 g salt + water to cover the ume
左:熟した梅4 kg + 塩200 g + 梅がかぶるだけの水
右:青梅2 kg + 熟した梅0.8 kg(合わせて2.8 kg) + 塩140 g + 梅がかぶるだけの水
3. Leave for three days.
4. Dry them (in the sun?).
5. Return to the container, add a small amount of shochu (Japanese distilled spirit) and vinegar.
It takes about three months to make umeboshi. 
3. 3日間置いておく。
4. 干して乾かす(日干し?)
5. 容器に戻し、少量の焼酎とお酢を入れる。

I hope I can report on the progress in the near future.

I put 2.5 kg ao ume in each of the two Tupperware containers and added 1 kg sugar to each container.
青梅を2.5 kg、2つのタッパー容器それぞれに入れ、それぞれに砂糖を1 kg入れました。  
To make ume syrup, of course.
To be continued.

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