October 9, 2009

Niitaka Nashi (Pears)/新高梨

I've been waiting for so long for a day when Niitaka nashi (pear) are sold at a special price, and such a day has finally come. Today, I have bought two Niitaka nashi for 198 yen each, each measuring 11 to 12 cm in diameter. The sugar content is 12 or greater, as the stickers say.
新高梨が特売になる日をずっと待っていました。そして、その日がやっと来ました。今日、一つ198円の新高梨を2つ買いました。それぞれ、直径が11~12 cmもあります。糖度はシールに書いてある通り、12度以上です。

Edited to add this photo:

I really like niitaka nashi because of its mild sweetness and crispy texture.


  1. According to the food prices you inform, I guess that life in Japan is very expensive.

  2. Mehmet Ergun: Thanks for your comment. I don't know where you live (I can't see your profile), but I can assure you that Japan is one of the most expensive countries in the world.

  3. I live in Turkey. By the way I will complete my profile asap.

  4. I love nittaka nashi though I didn't know it's name :)
    I just love nashi because to me it's like an apple and a pear :) the best of both worlds.

  5. Jessica: You mean you can get Niitaka nashi in Salt Lake City?!
