November 28, 2010

Making Niku Jaga and Curry at the Same Time/肉じゃがとカレーを同時に作る

Suppose that someone in your family wants to have curry, and you want to have something lighter. How do you solve your problem?

For supper tonight, I made curry and niku jaga or nikujaga (meat and potato stew) at the same time.
Here are most of the ingredients:

250 g thinly sliced pork
3 onions
1 carrot
2 potatoes
1 box curry roux
豚の薄切り 250 g
玉ねぎ 3個
ニンジン 1本
ジャガイモ 2個
カレールー 1箱

After I simmered the ingredients for 10 min. in 1,300 ml water, I transferred 1/4 of them to another pot.
材料を1,300 mlの水で10分煮てから、1/4を別の鍋に移しました。

I added six of the eight curry roux cubes in the box to the pot containing 3/4 of the ingredients to make curry:

I added to the other pot the following:
1/2 tsp instant dashi
40 ml soy sauce
40 ml mirin
(Dashi, soy sauce, and mirin ratio: 8:1:1)
出汁の素 小さじ1/2
醤油 40 ml
みりん 40 ml
(出汁、醤油、みりんの割合: 8:1:1)

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