December 9, 2010

Ishikari Nabe/石狩鍋

Ishikari nabe is a nabemono or simply nabe (one-pot dish) whose main ingredient is salmon, and it's a local dish of Hokkaido.
My first encounter with this nabe was at an izakaya in Tokyo when I was in my 20s; it was quite good, and it contained milk. I had long assumed that Ishikari nabe should contain milk. Now I know I was wrong.
Yesterday, I bought one pack of salmon kama (collars), and I decided to make Ishikari nabe for supper, and I also decided to follow this recipe:
Ishikari nabe with milk/牛乳入り石狩鍋 (Japanese only)

You may also want to view this video, which explains this recipe, although you will need a little help from a native Japanese to fully understand it.

Ingredients for 4 servings

4 slices (320 g) salted salmon
4 (600 g) potatoes
2 (200 g) carrots
1/4 (300 g) cabbage
2 (400 g) onions
10 cm kombu
5 cups (1,000 ml) hot water
1/2 cup (100 ml) sake
3 tbsp miso
2 cups (400 ml) milk

Ishikari nabe with milk/牛乳入り石狩鍋(日本語のみ)


塩鮭(甘塩) 4切れ(320g)
じゃが芋 4個(600g)
にんじん 2本(200g)
キャベツ 1/4個(300g)
玉ねぎ 2個(400g)
だし昆布 10cm
熱湯 5カップ
酒 1/2カップ
みそ 大さじ3
牛乳 2カップ

Salmon collars and Hidaka kombu:

TQ/The expiration date of the kombu is... May 2, 2010. Never mind!

This particular kombu is quite impressive! First-class product!

Don't forget to remove it before the pot comes to a boil.

Salmon kama and a deba:

You will need a deba to cut the kama.

Resulting nabe:

Unfortunately, the nabe wasn't as flavorful as I had expected. I will make the necessary changes to it tonight, and report back.

Note: The vegetables that I used were:
1/2 daikon
3 potatoes
1 carrot
2 onions
注: 私が使った野菜は
大根 1/2本
ジャガイモ 3個
ニンジン 1本
玉ねぎ 2個

Edited to add the following on December 12:
I added 1 tbsp miso and 1 tsp instant dashi. I tasted the broth and found it was a little too salty, so I had to add about 200 ml water. I found that the broth was just about right this time.
味噌を大さじ1、出汁の素を小さじ1、足しました。味見してみると、ちょっとしょっぱ過ぎるので、水を200 ml程度足しました。今度はだいたいちょうど良くなりました。


  1. Hiroyuki-san,
    Thank you for the recipe! The next time it cools down here in the "winter" of Texas, my wife and I may well try this one! I'm sorry it didn't meet your expectations, it sounds delicious to us!

  2. RoySkull001: I will modify the flavor of the nabe tonight. I think I'll add some more miso, and if it isn't flavorful enough, I think I'll add some instant dashi. I'll update this post after I do so, so stay tuned!

  3. It makes me very jealous to see your beautiful deba. And this recipe looks like good fun. Always fun to read about what you're doing.

    Best wishes.

  4. BBq Dude: You don't have to be jealous! That stainless steel deba is one of the cheapest in my collection! Around 3,000 yen if I remember correctly (or maybe less than 3,000 yen).
