March 4, 2011

Okara (Soy Pulp)/おから

This post is continued from the March 1 post on a soy milk maker.

I have made three batches of soy milk so far. My father is quite generous, and he told me that I could have the soy milk maker, and asked me to order another for him. So, the soy milk maker is now mine!

This evening, I cooked the okara from three batches of soy milk.

Unlike store-bought okara, this okara contained a lot of soy milk because I didn't bother to squeeze it out, so I tried to evaporate the water for some time.

I just added julienne carrot, dried shiitake, and chopped naga negi, and seasoned with 2 tbsp each of soy sauce, mirin, and sake and 2 tsp instant dashi.

After simmering on low heat for about 20 minutes, the okara was still watery.

I later added some sesame seed oil for flavoring.

To be continued.


  1. Dear Hiroyuki-san,

    lucky you. Sadly I don't own a soy milk maker. Usually good soy beans, my kitchen machine, a fine metal sieve, a water cooker, a linnen cloth and a big pot worked out fine (but a little time consuming) for me. I make my own tofu (using nigari) because around here shops are selling disgusting tasting imported tofu. I always press the okara in the linnen cloth (make a bundle and wring it) in the sieve to extract as much "milk" as possible so the okara is pretty dry. Pressed dry okara is good for pan frying and for cakes, cookies, patties or for fried okara crocettes. Just check it out by yourself.
    Today I baked a poppy seed pound cake from fresh okara, so good!!!

  2. Kiki: You are a great maker of soy milk and okara!! I used the supplied sarashi (cotton cloth) for the first time this morning, and I found it really cumbersome to squeeze out soy milk from okara. I think I have to find a better way by using a large bowl, a sieve, cotton cloth, and a weight.
    I'm kind of hooked on soy milk making right now. My next target: Making obora (or yose) dofu.

  3. Today I made fresh tofu because tomorrow I am going to make Jiǎozi 餃子 filled with tofu/ shrimpmeat, codfish/green onion and tofu/brokkoli.
    I squeezed the okara dry and used 1/2 for your recipe (little changes using vegetables due to my fridge mingle-mangle: 1 carrot, 1 small sweet potatoe, 1 small leek in slices and 1 celerystalk, shiitake, 1 knob ginger and 2 garlic gloves) went really great with very thin italian pasta (3 minute spaghettini). First I stir fried the vegetables and than I added the dry okara and stir fried it a little more. Later on came the dashi, mirin and so on. It developed a nice nutty flavour. Thanks for your recipe, my husband loved it - so tasty and quick to cook!

    The other 1/2 of the okara went into an apple bread - not too sweet and low fat apple cake.

  4. Kiki: Apple bread? That sounds quite yummy!

    I am still thinking of good uses for okara. So far, I have come up with:
    Okara miso soup
    Okara okonomiyaki
    Okara gyoza (Japanese name for jiǎozi)
    Okara chahan (fried rice)

    I really enjoy making and having soy milk and okara on a daily basis. I have already convinced my wife how nutritious they are and how good they are to women!
