July 18, 2011

Bibimbap Recipe/ビビンバのレシピー

Here is the recipe of the bibimbap that I had at the kyushoku center the other day.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
100 g ground pork

1.5 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp sugar
1.5 tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sake
1 tsp garlic

50 g reconstituted zenmai (Japanese flowering fern)
20 g naga negi
120 g komatsuna
120 g moyashi (bean sprouts)
30 g carrot
50 g kimuchi

1. Pan-fry ground pork with sesame oil, and season with the ingredients under A.
2. Add zenmai, mix, and add chopped naga negi.
3. Cut spinach (komatsuna, I suppose) into 3 cm lengths, boil for color, and cool. Cut carrot into 3 cm strips and boil. Boil moyashi quickly.
4. Cut kimuchi into manageable size.
5. Combine all ingredients.
6. Place some on top of rice and eat it.

豚挽き肉 100 g

ごま油 小さじ 1 1/2
砂糖 大さじ1
しょう油 大さじ 1 1/2
酒 小さじ1
ニンニク 小さじ1

戻しぜんまい 50 g
長ねぎ 20 g
もやし 120 g
にんじん 30 g
キムチ 50 g

1. 豚挽き肉をごま油で炒め、Aの調味料で味付けする。
2. ぜんまいを加え、混ぜ合わせ、ねぎのみじん切りを加える。
3. ほうれん草(小松菜だと思います)は3c程度に切り、色よくゆでて冷やし、にんじんも3 cm程度の千切りにしてゆでておく。もやしはさっとゆでておく。
4. キムチは食べやすい大きさに切っておく。
5. 材料を全部合わせる。
6. ごはんの上にのせて食べる。

I used about 350 g ground pork, and changed the amounts of seasonings and other ingredients accordingly, and I used tsuki kon (a type of konnyaku as thick as udon noodles) in place of zenmai.
私は豚の挽き肉を350 g程度使い、調味料や他の具材の量を変更しました。また、ぜんまいの代わりに「つきこん」(うどんくらいの太さのこんにゃく)を使いました。

My daughter said it was delicious!!


  1. Your bibimbap does look delicious! Thank you for sharing the recipe! Although I might have problems with fern, I'll try making it one day.

  2. Sissi: In that case, you can simply leave out the zenmai or replace it with another ingredient like I did. Zenmai is rather expensive, and I thought that tsuki kon would be a healthy substitute, and it was!

  3. The korean style seems to be a bit different. I nearly follow the first steps. Vegetables have to be blanched in dashi, afterwards tossed with a very little amount of roasted sesame oil and grounded roasted sesame-salt, grated ginger, garlic. Oil a ceramic pot with a little oil, place steamed rice in the pot, cover with the roasted ground meat, place vegetables (carrots, bean sprouts, kimchi, spinach, chinese cabbage on top in separate quaters, give raw egg (3 while using a common nabe pot)on top and heat the pot in oven until eggs become a little firm (think fried egg, sunny side up, but not done). Sprinkle with a nice amount of korean chilisauce. Everyone takes from the different veggies (as for their liking) and digg for rice and meat. Just put everything together in your bowl and stirr it up. I had this dish with roasted and glazed eel too in a korean restaurant in Beijing (no ground meat). My boys like it very much with lots of chilisauce.

  4. Kiki: Yours is the authentic recipe, I suppose. Note that this recipe is not mine but the kyushoku center's. The thing is that bibimbap is very, very popular among the school children here in my area (and probably everywhere in Japan), it remains a mystery for their parents.

    Now I know the recipe, how it is made, and what it tastes like, I think I can develop my original recipe some day!

  5. おいしいですが?ビビンバお すきです。

  6. muskrat: Yes, it was delicious!

  7. I simply had to cook bibimbap too http://fraeuleintrudeskochversuche.blogspot.com/2011/07/bibimbap.html. Good thing: You can use lots of different kind of vegetables and you need only a small amount from each. Very nice if the fridge has to be cleared. No wonder they like to cook it in canteens (laugh).
    Kiki (THX for reminding me)

  8. I know Korean Bibimbap, it using a kind of miso (doenjang) and spicy soybean paste (gochujang).
    But after looking this recipe, it's kind of shortcut-easier to made bibimbap, substitute the paste with kimchi! and I'm eager to try this!!

    Hiroさん> I don't have any sake, can I substitube it with mirin?

  9. fred: Hm..., I would simply do without it. Mirin is sweet, so if you decide to use it, you may want to reduce the amount of sugar, right?

  10. fred: One more thing: This recipe results in mild, not very hot bibimbap, because it is for children of 6 to 15 in age. I think you will want to add some gochujang, just like I added some doubanjiang (for lack of gochujang).

  11. Thanks again for the advice!
