July 3, 2011

Tsukune Nanban Zuke/つくねの南蛮漬け

As part of supper tonight, I made pork tsukune nanban zuke.
300 g ground pork
1 egg
1 knob ginger
2 tbsp katakuriko (potato starch)
(You can also add some chopped naga negi or onion.)
1 onion, sliced

Nanban sauce:
3 tbsp vinegar
3 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp sugar
1 red pepper (I refrained adding it for my children.)

豚の挽き肉 300 g
卵 1個
生姜 1かけ
片栗粉 大さじ2
玉ねぎ 1個、スライスする

お酢 大さじ3
しょう油 大さじ3
砂糖 大さじ1
赤唐辛子 1個(私は子供たちのために、入れませんでした。)
After the tsukune are cooked, turn off the heat, and add sliced onion and nanban sauce.
Tasty enough, but I could have add some more nanban sauce.
My wife got this nimono (simmered dish) from a relative.
You can see zenmai (Japanese flowering fern), yamaimo (yam), konnyaku, shiitake, and fu (wheat gluten),  among others. This nimono is an example of shojin ryori (vegetarian dish).

She also got sekihan (glutinous rice cooked with azuki (red beans)):


  1. That sekihan looks delicious!!

  2. Tsukune Nanban Zuke looks delicious, but it will take me some time to remember the name ;-)
    This is another recipe I bookmark to try very soon! Thank you, Hiroyuki.
    Are there many vegetarians in Japan?

  3. I really love shojin ryori. I stayed at a monastery in Koya-san overnight on one of my trips to Japan and the meals I had there were absolutely delicious.

  4. fred: Does it? As you may know, sekihan is something we eat on an auspicious occasion.

  5. Sissi: There are few vegetarians in Japan. Shojin ryori is associated with Buddhism in Japan, and believe it or not, even priests have meat, poltry, and fish, and they drink alcohol!!

  6. J: Do you? I think most shojin ryori are somewhat bland.

  7. I had some leftover tsukune nanban zuke for lunch today, and I found it much tastier than it was yesterday!

  8. Hiroyuki, I am not surprised. It must have marinated in the vinegar... If I make it I will leave some overnight too! Just to see the difference. Thanks for the idea!
    Monks eating meat??? Wasn't it the buddhism that forbid the meat in Japan??? I am very surprised.

  9. Hiroyuki-san: Tsukune Nanban Zuke is definitly a dish my husband would like to eat. I sometimes cook small roasted meatballs (Frikadellen in germany) with a slightly sour mustard cream sauce. Next time I will switch to nanban sauce.

  10. Kiki: Needless to say, you can add other vegetables, too, like green pepper, carrot, and celery.
