October 9, 2011

Mushroom Hunting and the First Nabe in This Fall/きのこ狩りと今年の秋初めての鍋

My son and I went mushroom hunting again today.

My son found nameko first.
Oyster mushroom:
A view from the mountain:
Angel wing:
In Japan, this mushroom is now considered POISONOUS.

Hanabira nikawa take (Tremella foliacea):
On this fallen tree,
my son found nikawa chawan take (Neobulgaria pura).
Tonbi maitake (Meripilus giganteus):
Similar to maitake. Sadly, too old to eat.

Oo gomu take (Galiella celebica (P. Henn.) Nannf.)
We made kinoko nabe.
Nikawa chawan take, cleaned, boiled, soaked in water, and drained.
We had it in sashimi style (with soy sauce with or without wasabi).

Kinoko nabe:

We will have oo gomu take tomorrow.

Edited to add this photo:

I removed the outer black hard skin from the oo gomu take with a knife, boiled the mushroom, soaked it in water, and drained it.

The four of us shared it (had it with kinako (roasted soybean powder) and sugar for desert).



  1. I love watching your mushroom hunting reports. The nikawa chawan take looks extraordinary! I would never guess it's an edible mushroom. Same for oo gomu take.
    Your son seems to be a mushroom expert!

  2. Hiroyuki-san: ハナビラニカワタケ does this mean something like gluey (blossom) petals mushroom? This name is so good. It is the perfect description of this mushroom. In german language the mushroom is called "the trembling" or the "trembler" (mushroom). Not quite as beautiful as the japanese name. Sadly his nature is mere beauty - in germany this mushroom is edible but it tastes like nothing much, so we never picked them. Is the japanese variety better tasting?

  3. Sissi and Kiki: All the three gelatinous mushrooms do not have strong flavor, and I would say that they are eaten not for their flavor but for their texture.

    Kiki, you are right.
    ハナビラニカワタケ = hanabira (flower petal) + nikawa (glue) + take (suffix meaning mushroom)

    I don't know if the variety that can be found here is different from yours, but one of our books on mushrooms says you can get good "dashi" (esssence) from it. Like I said above, it's eaten for its texture, in my opinion. It's like a softer version of kikurage:

    I will post a photo or two of the oo gomu take later.

  4. I read in our newspaper today this weekend, during a local autumn festival (15.000 visitors), they sold huge amounts of deer-mushroom ragout and now there are festival visitors in the hospital because of serious mushroom poisoning. They tracked the poison down: it must have been a death cap (Amanita phalloides) between the mushrooms. Lucky they cooked a high amount of stew so nobody died at this time but visitors have to watch out for symtoms because this mushroom may even kill you days after eating. Unbelievable. And this mushroom is wellknown. It even grows in my garden. I don't get it. This mushroom hunter(s) will have to face serious trouble.

  5. Kiki: We have a similar species in Japan, dokutsuru take ドクツルタケ (Amanita virosa). I wonder if it is common to serve dishes containing wild mushrooms in a festival in Germany... I think that in Japan, a festival organizer serves dishes containing only cultured mushrooms for fear of possible mushroom poisoning.

  6. Hiroyuki: It is even common to sell wild mushrooms in stores. It was a festival in some sort of zoo specialized on local wildlife animals (deers, wild pigs and so on) so this ragout fits perfectly. We often visited this festival when our son was younger. It is a great event for children. Children collect big amounts of horse chestnuts and acorns (winter food for the animals) during september and deliver them to the zoo (with the help of the parents - my son collected tons (or so). As reward they get free entry to the festival. There are interesting exhibitions and food stables and workshops for children and grown ups (built a wooden birdhouse and so on)

  7. Oh I read about Amanita virosa a few minutes ago. We have the same but it is rare to find. Now I know why I don't trust mushrooms with gills. As very young mushroom or older mushroom with flat cap he looks alike Agaricus campestris meadow mushroom (the wild variety of button mushrooms). Even the colouring of the gills may be the same. And he lacks special signs of the green, white or yellow amanita varieties. Devilish - perfect candidate. My family used to collect huge amounts of meadow mushrooms during summer times. My father was some sort of otaku mushroom hunter. I remember one day my father found lots of a rare mushroom: Agaricus arvensis. He was sure it was edible but not the other members of the family. He cooked it and ate the whole mushroom dish by himself. And we waited... and waited. Guess we got luck.

  8. Kiki: I feel sorry for your father... No one in your family believed him?!

  9. I love all of your photos, and enjoy reading the mushroom hunting reports. I've always been interested in mushroom hunting, and would love to learn.

  10. muskrat: Mushroom hunting is both interesting and dangerous. I have already found three stories about mushroom poisoning in Niigata prefecture alone in the newspapers.

  11. I would like a recipe for Meripilus gigantes

  12. Avi Alz: Tonbi maitake can be used in much the same way as maitake (hen-of-the-woods mushroom). Examples include takikomi gohan (rice cooked with other ingredients), stir-fries, and udon toppings.
