October 29, 2011

Mushroom Stew/きのこのシチュー

For supper last night, I made three dishes using some of the oyster mushrooms: clear soup, gratin, and foil-yaki. I put the rest in several "I Wrap" bags, microwaved each bag for 2-3 min., let them cool, and put them in the fridge. I asked my son what he would like to have for supper the next day, and he said, "Stew".

We had two packages of stew roux in the storage space: cream stew and kinoko stew.
Naturally, I selected the latter.

Three types of mushrooms (button, porcino, and shiitake) melted into...
Is that true??

Anyway, my mushroom stew was delicious!!!


  1. Hiroyuki, your soup looks excellent and you have just made me want to make a mushroom soup too! It would be the first of the season and would mark the beginning of cold days.
    Your plastic bags method is very original.

  2. Sissi: I like the I Wrap bag method because it retains all the liquid from the mushrooms.

    In Japan, I Wrap (アイラップ) bags are used in much the same way as Ziploc bags.

    I posted some photos of I Wrap bags here:

  3. These look delicious! I can only get curry roux here, (But I do love curry!!!!)

  4. muskrat: Maybe there is little demand for such premade stew roux products because you can always replace them with simple ingredients like butter, flour, and milk...
    Anyway, such products are huge in Japan!

  5. your stew looks delicious! I'm really curious about the pre-made stew roux, I'm in the same situation as Muskrat - the only type I have found so far in Canada is the Curry roux. I love the convenience of storing it in the freezer and throwing it in a pot!

  6. Stacy: So you store roux in the freezer? Anyway, I still haven't posted about another favorite of mine: hayashi ハヤシ (hashed beef). I hope I can post about it soon.

    I remember I have recently visited your blog and read about your curry. Yours looked delicious, but I thought something was missing---carrot! Sorry, just my favorite (laugh)!

    It may sound strange, I used to like Japanese curry roux, which is full of lard, but now I sometimes find myself incapable of consuming curry made with such roux. It must be age. Instead, I crave Japanese-style, much less fatty curry udon.

  7. Hiroyuki, thank you for the link. I also use plastic bags a lot (I buy 100 bags packets and couldn't live without them) but I would have never have the same idea. I would probably precook and, in a silly way, throw out the liquid. Thank you for the explanation.

  8. Sissi: I wonder if your plastic bags are heat-resistant. I Wrap is a special bag that can be used in boiling water and in a microwave, and put in the freezer.

  9. こんにちはひろゆきさん!ながーーーいこと、コメントしに来ようと思いながら、なかなか出来なかったのですが、美味しそうなきのこシチューに連れられて(?)来ました。Sissiがよくひろゆきさんのレシピを使って料理してるので、そのたびに楽しく読ませてもらってます。母の味、日本の味が懐かしいです。サンフランシスコは比較的日本のものが手に入るのですが、やっぱり日本の豊富な種類にはかないません・・・。いいなぁ~なんて思って読んでます。これからも楽しみにしてます。

  10. ナミさん: コメントありがとうございます!And, thank you for visiting my little blog! I am no match for serious cooks like you and Sissi, partly because I am a cook "out of necessity" and mainly because I don't have have what it takes to be a serious cook. That is a weakness of mine, but it can be a strength, too. Who else would think of posting about a soup made with store-bought, pre-made stew roux (laugh)!
