October 30, 2011

Going Mukitake Gathering/ムキタケ狩りに行く

My son and I went mukitake gathering this afternoon. It was already past two when we left home!

My son first found some murasaki shimeji (Clitocybe nuda). Can you tell where they are?
Here they are!
This one looks good to eat,
but the others looked rather old. Anyway, my son collected all of them.
We had to hurry to the destination: two logs where we got mukitake two years ago and last year.
Luckily we found some!
My son also found some kuritake in the secret spot where we got some last year.
My son wanted to make the mukitake and kuritake look presentable by placing them on a sieve.
At the request of my son, I made mukitake wrapped in bacon (heated in the toaster oven for 8 min.).
(Sorry for the ugly photo. I made 18 pieces in total, many of which were eaten before I could take a photo.)


  1. Mushrooms (most) and bacon are a sure bet. No wonder they are gone in a blink. Looks good enough for me.

  2. Kiki: My daughter, who is usually a picky eater, had six of them very quickly before I noticed. Later I learned from my son that she was the one who washed all the mukitake for him. Probably she thought she had the right to have as many as she wanted.

  3. It looks succulent and actually very European :-) (But with the Japanese mushroom varieties it's a perfect fusion idea!). I must try mushrooms in bacon soon.

  4. Sissi: Mushroom wrapped in bacon is a very simple yet very tasty dish. I hope you give it a try soon!

  5. Hiro-san, I've never had mushrooms wrapped in bacon, but it sounds delicious! Mushrooms and bacon go very well together. I had to look several times before I could find the mushrooms - you must have really good eyes! I live in Northeast Texas - apparently two mushrooms that can be found here are morels and chanterelles. I'd love to find a knowledgeable person to go mushroom hunting with here!

  6. muskrat: I envy you! Or, should I say, my son will envy you!

    There are slim chances that we can find wild morels and chanterelles here in Japan.

  7. Wow, looks awesome. Nicely done, Hiroyuki.

  8. Bbq Dude: Thanks!

    Your home-made bread looks delicious, and I was sorry that the post was wordless - no description of the recipe!

    By the way, I sharpen my Shigefusa and other knives by myself.
