January 13, 2013


Today, I made Kinshobai-like furikake.
Kinshobai is the name of a high-grade, expensive furikake available only at limited department stores in Japan.

The company does not disclose the recipe for Kinshobai, but some people have attempted to reproduce the furikake, and some even disclose their recipes on their websites.

Referring to such sites, I decided to make Kinshobai-like furikake with these ingredients:
25 g dried cloud ear mushrooms
20 g dried shiitake mushrooms
70 g hana katsuo (dried bonito shavings)
10 g ito kombu (shredded kombu)
20 g walnuts
50 g white sesame seeds

45 ml soy sauce
45 ml mirin
15 ml vinegar
干しきくらげ 25 g
干し椎茸 20 g
花かつお 70 g
糸昆布 10 g
クルミ 20 g
白ゴマ 50 g

しょう油 45 ml
みりん 45 ml
お酢 15 ml

1.  Reconstitute dried cloud ear mushrooms and dried shiitake.  Finely chop.
2.  Roast hana katsuo in a frying pan on very low heat for 1 min. or so.  Cool, and crumble by hand.
3.  Cut ito kombu into small pieces.
4.  Break walnuts into small pieces by hand.
5.  To the pan, add ito kombu, walnuts, sesame seeds, dried mushrooms, soy sauce, mirin, and vinegar.
6.  Stir on low heat for 2-3 min.

1.  干しきくらげと干しシイタケは戻し、細かく刻む。
2.  花かつおはフライパンで極弱火で1分程炒る。冷まして、手で砕く。
3.  糸昆布は細かく切る。
4.  クルミは手で細かく砕く。
5.  フライパンに、糸昆布、クルミ、ごま、干しきのこ、しょう油、みりん、お酢を入れる。
6.  弱火で2~3分混ぜる。

1.  As the name (three kanji, brocade, pine, and ume) suggests, Kinshobai contains pine nuts, not walnuts.  I used walnuts because they were cheaper.
2.  It seems that ume zu,  not vinegar, is used in Kinshobai.  Ume zu is liquid obtained by salting ume in the process of umeboshi production.

For comparison, here are lists of ingredients of the two recipes I referred to:
Both are in Japanese only.

List of ingredients of recipe 1
50 g hana katsuo
10 g ito kombu
5 g dried cloud ear mushrooms
60 cc soy sauce
25 cc mirin
50 g sugar
1 tbsp ume zu
10 g white sesame seeds
8 g pine nuts

花かつお      50g
糸昆布       10g
きくらげ       5g
しょうゆ       60cc
みりん        25cc
さとう         50g
梅酢         大さじ1
白ごま       10g
松の実       8g

Ingredients of recipe 2
5 g dried cloud ear mushrooms
100 g hana katsuo
80 g pine nuts
50 g gold sesame seeds

2 tbsp rice vinegar
1/2 cup (i.e., 100 ml) soy sauce
1/2 cup (i.e., 100 ml) sugar
1/4 cup (i.e., 50 ml) mirin

きくらげ 5g
花かつお 100g
松の実 80g
金ゴマ 50g

米酢 大さじ2杯
しょうゆ 2分の1カップ
砂糖 2分の1カップ
みりん 4分の1カップ


  1. へー!とても美味しそうなふりかけですね。聞いたこともないし、残念ながら食べたこともないです。アメリカにいると、こういうものが手に入らないし、食べる機会もないので、手作りのレシピ嬉しいです!今日はひとつ新しい日本の食べ物を学びました。ありがとう!

  2. Namiさん: コメントどうも。私も一回くらいしか食べたことがありません。錦松梅が入っていた有田焼の容器は大切にしまってあります。


    Thank you for your comment. I have had it once or so only myself. I keep the Ariya yaki Kinshobai containers in the cupboard.

    Quite frankly, I like my home-made "Kinshobai" much better!

  3. Looks very good. Pine nuts have such a nice resin taste but walnuts are good too. I often substitute pine nuts with walnuts whenever I make italian Pesto. Besides: Asian pine nuts tastes different to european pine nuts the taste a lot harsher. We often visited Southern france (year after year) and my (then small) son collected pine cones in the hills, cracked the nut shells with a stone and picked the nuts. He sold the nuts for pocket money to his aunt, grandmother and mother (laugh). Pine nuts are expensive and he was bored during day times. We have lots of photos of the little one covered with black pine dust - so cute.

  4. Kiki: Your son was lucky! When I told my son the other day that pine nuts were expensive, he said he would collect them in the mountains, but unfortunately, the nuts from Japanese akamatsu (red pine) and kuromatsu (black pine) are so small they are not good for eating (according to Wikipedia).

  5. Thank you so much for posting such detailed instructions for this recipe! I am definitely going to make it when I have time. I will use the walnuts.

    By the way, do you think Kinshobai furikake would be a nice present to give a Japanese family if I am invited to their house? Do Japanese people do such a thing, or should I just give flowers?

    Thanks again! David

  6. David: Of course, it would! Kinshobai is a type of furikake you would buy as a gift for someone.
