December 19, 2013

Followup on my Attempts to Make Better Coffee Roasters/もっと良いコーヒー焙煎機作りへの挑戦の続き

I've been playing with both of my kettle roaster and my milk can roaster, trying to determine their characteristics.
I have made holes on the bottom of the kettle, so it's now a direct-flame coffee roaster, just like a milk can roaster.
I have made this table, using corrugated cardboard boxes, in the garage.
The electric heater on the right is for warming the gas cylinders, which will soon turn low in heating power due to evaporation heat while in use, especially when it's cold.
Today, I roasted three batches in total.
1. Mexican, roasted in my milk can roaster for 14 min.
220 g when green, 185 g when roasted, 15.9% reduction in weight
2. Mocha, roasted in my kettle roaster for 13 min.
270 g when green, 220 g when roasted, 18.5% reduction in weight
3. Brazilian, roasted in my milk can roaster for 15 min.
225 g when green, 190 g when roasted, 15.6% reduction in weight
1. メキシコ、ミルク缶焙煎機で14分焙煎。
生豆時220 g、焙煎時185 g、重量減少率15.9%
2. モカ、やかん焙煎機で13分焙煎。
生豆時270 g、焙煎時220 g、重量減少率18.5%
3. ブラジル、ミルク缶焙煎機で15分焙煎。
生豆時225 g、焙煎時190 g、重量減少率15.6%
Because of its shape, my kettle roaster confines heat, so that it roasts coffee rather quickly. First crack occurred 9 minutes after the start of roasting. It was hard for me to control the heat properly, and I ended up finishing roasting 13 minutes after the start of roasting.
I can't help thinking that the milk can roaster is the very best invention of Nakagawa-san, although he denies that. I want to have a roaster that can roast 300 g of coffee beans evenly, so I have a feeling that if I make a roaster with a can measuring 18-20 cm in diameter, it will be an ideal roaster for me.
ミルク缶焙煎機は中川さんの最大の発明だと思わざるを得ません(中川さん自身は否定しますが)。私はコーヒー豆を300 g均一に焙煎できる焙煎機が欲しいので、直径18~20 cmの缶を使って焙煎機を作れば、私には理想的な焙煎機になるのではないかと感じます。
I tried the Brazilian coffee first. I brewed it with the Matsuya method.
Very good indeed! In fact, I'm not sure if I can find a coffee house that can serve coffee this good!

I have one big problem, though.
My Hario Ceramic Slim can't grind coffee uniformly. That's another story.


  1. The kettle had to suffer a lot for sure, must have been a tough job.

  2. Kiki: Yes, and I had to suffer a lot, too! The bottom was much harder than I had thought it would be, and it was very hard for me to make those holes with a small hammer (previously bought at a 100-yen shop) and some screws (I didn't have nails in my tool box).

  3. Hammer and skrews, it is like watching MacGyver. That was really dangerous, hope you did not hurt yourself too much.
