September 6, 2016

Kuri Kuri Bozu vs. Kuri Cutter/栗くり坊主と栗カッター

I keep receiving boxes of grapes from my generous father, who lives in Chiba prefecture.
Shown above is a variety called Kyoho (called the King of Grapes in Japan).

I have also received boxes of chestnuts from him.

I simmered small and medium sized ones in a pot for 30 minutes.
Only the large sized ones should be mixed with mochi rice to make "kuri okowa" (mochi rice cooked with chestnuts)!
I guess I should refrain from talking about my kuri okowa, because I have talked about it so many times before.

Instead, let me talk about the "Kuri Cutter", which I bought last year from the "recycle shop" (secondhand store).

Right: Kuri Cutter
Left: Kuri Kuri Bozu
As you can easily imagine, kuri means chestnut.  Kuri Cutter is a product of Kai Corporation, while Kuri Kuri Bozu is a product of SUWADA, located in Sanjo City, Niigata, which is very famous for their nippers-type nail clippers.

The "reference price" for the DH-2234 is 1,620 yen. There are other models, DG-2002 and DH-7248, whose reference prices are also 1,620 yen, according to Amazon. I'm not 100% sure, but the DH-7248 is probably the newest model.

I got mine (DH-2234) for 480 yen at the "recycle shop".
I found my new Kuri Cutter very easy to use, because it was light (68 g) and the blade was very sharp.
私の新しい栗カッターは、軽くて(68 g)、刃は鋭いので、とても使いやすいと思いました。
Even so, it took me more than 30 minutes to peel the 31 large chestnuts.

On the other hand, Kuri Kuri Bozu is available in three models:
1. Kuri Kuri Bozu (shown in the fourth photo above)
Weight: Approx. 130 g
Reference price: 2,700 yen (probably)
Blade: Top-class cutlery steel
Replacement blade attached.
2. Shin-Gata (New Type) Kuri Kuri Kuri Bozu
Weight: Approx. 140 g
Renferece price: 2,700 yen
Blade: Top-class cutlery steel
Replacement blade attached.
3. Kuri Kuri Bozu II
Weight: Approx. 60 g
Reference price: 2,700 yen
Blade: Stainless cultry steel

You can view a photo of each model from here.

1. 栗くり坊主(上の4番目の写真)
重さ: 約130 g
参考価格: 2,700円(多分)。
刃: 最高級刃物鋼
2. 新型栗くり坊主、約140 g、参考価格2,700円。
重さ: 約140 g
参考価格: 2,700円
刃: 最高級刃物鋼
3. 栗くり坊主II
重さ: 約60 g
参考価格: 2,700円
刃: ステンレス刃物鋼

Edited to add some photos:
Left: 2.5 go mochi rice
Right: 1 go regular rice (uruchi mai in Japanese)
左: もち米2.5合
右: 粳米(うるちまい)1合
1 go is equivalent to 180 ml.
1合は180 mlです。

I personally don't like the texture of mochi-rice-only kuri okowa, so I add some regular rice. I have found that the 2.5:1 ratio is just right for me.

Add water up to the level for 3.5 go of rice.
Add 1 tbsp sake and 1 tsp salt.

Finally, add 31 peeled chestnuts.
An IH rice cooker is capable of making perfect kuri okowa.
In days of old, a steamer was commonly used.


  1. I hope the kuri okawa turns out well! The grapes looks really delicious. How nice to get such wonderful gifts from your father!

    Take care,
    Erin from California

  2. ErinBear: Thanks! It turned out fine, as usual. I have added some photos of it.
    I wished I could have sent some of the kuri okowa to my son!

  3. Live Brazil, I loved the cutter,I'll look in the stores here or on Amazon sell? I love your blog

  4. diu: Amazon sells all three models of Kuri Cutter. Here's a page on DH-7248:

    Amazon also sells two of the three models of Kuri Kuri Bozu, Shin-Gata and II.
    Here's a page on Shin-Gata:

    I have no idea if they sell them to Brazil, though.

    Hope this helps.

  5. Wow, chestnuts - I love chestnuts. Here, they are a bit later in season. I'm looking forward to them and hope they'll appear on the markets soon.
    By the way, I've adopted your method of freezing left-over rice. The parcels come in handy when one only has to pull one from the freezer and into the microwave. Time-saving. Energy-saving as well, I guess.
    Apologies for appearing here only as "anonymous", I'm not a blogger myself.
    Regards, Philip

  6. Philip: Maybe we are talking about different varieties of chestnuts, but any variety tastes good!

    Thanks for adopting "my" method, although it's not my invention (laugh).
    I also keep bread in the freezer or in the partial freezing compartment (-3 C) of the fridge, so it stays fresh!

  7. Both, I think, different varieties and/ or a slightly different climate leading to a later harvest begin.

    Yes, but reading about your habit of storing cooked rice changed my mind and gave me that last little "push" to implement the same in my kitchen. I have an old Zojirushi rice cooker which I don't like leaving on when I'm away the whole day. Have a great week! Regards, Philip
