October 14, 2016

Harvesting Sweet Potatoes/サツマイモの収穫

Today, I finally got around to harvesting the sweet potatoes from my rented field.

The susuki (Japanese pampas grass) had grown so tall that I could hardly see my rented field.
Sunny, warm day perfect for any outdoor activity including harvesting!
You could never guess what was growing... I had planted sweet potato seedlings in two of the four rows in the field. I had planted seed potatoes in the other two, and I harvested the potatoes this summer. I have left the field almost unattended since then.
Two hours later, I was able to harvest all the sweet potatoes, plus three kobocha and some potatoes!

Sweet potatoes in two 45-liter plastic bags.
I placed them all in the garage to dry. You can see some potatoes in the lower right of the photo.


  1. I live in Brazil, was delighted with his way of life, I have do not have aa space and not usual rent a dificil.Mas Terrae if I'm sad I'll go to your blog distracts me. Thank you

  2. diu: Why not consider growing vegetables in planter boxes like other people do?

  3. Haha! A "gift" from neighbouring fields maybe? Or have you grown the surprising vegetables in previous years?

  4. Sissi: You mean the kabocha and the potatoes? They were both from my rented field. I grew some kabocha last year, and this spring, I noticed that some kabocha plants were growing, and I simply let them grow. The potatoes were the ones I failed to harvest this fall, I suppose.

  5. I meant kabocha. It must have been a nice surprise! It's a bit like finding herbs I used to grow the previous year on my balcony growing again on their own...
    In Switzerland rented fields are quite popular and there are usually dozens of small ones in the same big plot. I once heard from a friend of mine, many gardeners find plants that sprouted from seeds coming spontaneously from neighbour's field...

  6. A good harvest indeed. We also rent plots here to grow vegetables. Our state is going Organic big time due to the flooding of pesticide laden veggies from other states. We have very mild winter to grow these vegetables.

  7. seeandoh: Mild winter?! Lucky you! Here in the snowy region, we can never grow vegetables in winter.

  8. We are lucky indeed. We could not grow any winter vegetables some 5 years back. Now it is cool and misty in the night and early mornings here in my state. But we too have a season here called Monsoon when we cannot plant any vegetables due to the almost non stop rain for 2 months. But that season is gone now due to the climate change. No much rains even in the Monsoon.
