October will be a great month for all fans of Shinya Shokudo, including me.
Part 2 of the TV drama, Shinya Shokudo, will start as follows:
TBS: Tuesday, Oct. 18, 24:55-25:25
MBS: Thursday, Oct. 13, 24:55-25:25
RKB: Saturday, Oct. 15, 26:45-27:15
And, a special program
"Just before the broadcast of Part 2! Shinya Shokudo Special"
will be aired one week before Part 2 starts, as follows:
TBS: Tuesday, Oct. 11, 25:25-25:55
MBS: Thursday, Oct. 6, 24:55-25:25
RKB: Saturday, Oct. 8, 26:45-27:15
Source: This page of the official site of the TV drama Shinya Shokudo.
10/15(土)スタート 26:45~27:15
10/18(火)スタート 24:55~25:25
10/13(木)スタート 24:55-25:25
出典: テレビドラマ深夜食堂の公式サイトのこのページ
What is more, Volume 8 of the manga book, Shinya Shokudo, wil be issued on October 28, 2011.
September 30, 2011
September 27, 2011
Today's Lunch (Sep. 27)/今日の昼食(9月27日)
Just wanted to show you what I had for lunch today. Tarako spaghetti bought at the supermarket.
It contained a lot of eryngii.
This is another example of my petit zeitaku (small luxury). I also had a slice of bread with a korokke on it.
It contained a lot of eryngii.
This is another example of my petit zeitaku (small luxury). I also had a slice of bread with a korokke on it.
First Mushroom Hunting in Fall 2011/2011秋の最初のきのこ狩り
On September 25, my son and I went mushroom hunting for the first time in this season.
Beware of bears!!!
There was more water in the river. It looked like a pond or something.
The aftermath of the flood that took place in late July was still apparent.
Somewhere near here,
my son found some maitake. He was overjoyed! It was too old to eat, though.
For no particular reason, I found this particular tree very impressive.
I am very sorry that these photos just don't justify the beauty of the tree.
Some of other mushrooms we found:
Numeri sugitake modoki, according to my son:
I forgot its name...
Hanaiguchi (Suillus grevillei):
Hatake shimeji (Lyophyllum decastes):
Beware of bears!!!
There was more water in the river. It looked like a pond or something.
The aftermath of the flood that took place in late July was still apparent.
Somewhere near here,
my son found some maitake. He was overjoyed! It was too old to eat, though.
For no particular reason, I found this particular tree very impressive.
I am very sorry that these photos just don't justify the beauty of the tree.
Some of other mushrooms we found:
Numeri sugitake modoki, according to my son:
I forgot its name...
Hanaiguchi (Suillus grevillei):
Hatake shimeji (Lyophyllum decastes):
September 23, 2011
Leftover Tonjiru/残りの豚汁
My recipe for tonjiru, described in the previous post, reflects my philosophy of wanting to cook each ingredient just right, without undercooking or overcooking.
Today, I improved my tonjiru by adding two additional ingredients: sub-standard enoki that I got from a friend who runs an enoki factory and the leftover pan-fried pork slices from last night's supper.
Just like any nimono (simmered dish), tonjiru tastes better the next day.
Today, I improved my tonjiru by adding two additional ingredients: sub-standard enoki that I got from a friend who runs an enoki factory and the leftover pan-fried pork slices from last night's supper.
Just like any nimono (simmered dish), tonjiru tastes better the next day.
September 22, 2011
My Way of Making Tonjiru (Pork Soup)/私の豚汁の作り方
I'd like to talk a little bit about how I make tonjiru, because it's quite different from the way the Master of the Shinya Shokudo makes his tonjiru.
2,500 ml water
1/2 daikon
1 carrot
1 pack (about 10) satoimo (taro)
1-2 burdock roots
300 g thinly sliced pork
1 pack mushroom (ex. enoki)
1 block konnyaku
1 naga negi (not shown)
No oil required
水 2,500 ml
大根 1/2本
にんじん 1本
里芋 1パック(約10個)
ごぼう 1、2本
豚肉薄切り 300 g
きのこ(例えば、えのき) 1パック
こんにゃく 1枚
長ねぎ 1本(写真には載っていません)
The Master whittles a burdock root, while I cut mine into rolling wedges.
I can't see any satoimo in the Master's tonjiru, but I think they are indispensable in tonjiru.
The Master tears a block of konnyaku with his fingers. This is meant to increase the surface area of each bit of konnyaku, and is a very common practice (you can use a spoon instead of your fingers), but I simply cut mine into small pieces with a knife.
1. Put water in a large pot, and turn on the heat.
2. Peel and cut daikon and carrot into quarter rounds, and add to the pot.
3. Remove dirt from burdock (using wire wool, for example), cut into rolling wedges, soak in water for a few minutes, and add to the pot.
4. Cut konnyaku into small pieces, put in a bowl, add boiled water to remove odor, and add to the pot.
5. When the pot comes to a boil, set the timer for 10 min.
6. Peel and cut satoimo into 7-8 mm thick rounds, soak in water for a few minutes, and add to the pot 5 min. after the pot comes to a boil.
(Satoimo cook quickly, so 5-min. simmering should be sufficient.)
7. Cut pork, and add to the pot 8 min. after the pot comes to a boil.
(The Master puts pork in the pot at the very beginning.)
8. Cut enoki, and add to the pot.
9. When 10 min. have passed, turn off the heat.
10. Add miso.
11. Cut and add naga negi.
1. 大きな鍋に水を入れ、火をつける。
2. 大根とにんじんは皮を剥き、銀杏切りにして、鍋に入れる。
3. ぼごうの土を(金属たわし等を使って)取り、乱切りにし、水に数分漬け、鍋に入れる。
4. こんにゃくを小さく切って、ボールに入れ、熱湯を入れて、臭いを取り、鍋に入れる。
5. 鍋が沸騰したら、タイマーを10分にセットする。
6. 里芋の皮を剥いて、7、8ミリ厚の輪切りにして、水に数分漬け、鍋が沸騰してから5分後に鍋に入れる。
7. 豚肉を切り、鍋が沸騰してから8分後に鍋に入れる。
8. えのきを切って、鍋に入れる。
9. 10分経ったら、火を止める。
10. 味噌を入れる。
11. 長ねぎを切って、入れる。
The total cooking time is about 20 min.
2,500 ml water
1/2 daikon
1 carrot
1 pack (about 10) satoimo (taro)
1-2 burdock roots
300 g thinly sliced pork
1 pack mushroom (ex. enoki)
1 block konnyaku
1 naga negi (not shown)
No oil required
水 2,500 ml
大根 1/2本
にんじん 1本
里芋 1パック(約10個)
ごぼう 1、2本
豚肉薄切り 300 g
きのこ(例えば、えのき) 1パック
こんにゃく 1枚
長ねぎ 1本(写真には載っていません)
The Master whittles a burdock root, while I cut mine into rolling wedges.
I can't see any satoimo in the Master's tonjiru, but I think they are indispensable in tonjiru.
The Master tears a block of konnyaku with his fingers. This is meant to increase the surface area of each bit of konnyaku, and is a very common practice (you can use a spoon instead of your fingers), but I simply cut mine into small pieces with a knife.
1. Put water in a large pot, and turn on the heat.
2. Peel and cut daikon and carrot into quarter rounds, and add to the pot.
3. Remove dirt from burdock (using wire wool, for example), cut into rolling wedges, soak in water for a few minutes, and add to the pot.
4. Cut konnyaku into small pieces, put in a bowl, add boiled water to remove odor, and add to the pot.
5. When the pot comes to a boil, set the timer for 10 min.
6. Peel and cut satoimo into 7-8 mm thick rounds, soak in water for a few minutes, and add to the pot 5 min. after the pot comes to a boil.
(Satoimo cook quickly, so 5-min. simmering should be sufficient.)
7. Cut pork, and add to the pot 8 min. after the pot comes to a boil.
(The Master puts pork in the pot at the very beginning.)
8. Cut enoki, and add to the pot.
9. When 10 min. have passed, turn off the heat.
10. Add miso.
11. Cut and add naga negi.
1. 大きな鍋に水を入れ、火をつける。
2. 大根とにんじんは皮を剥き、銀杏切りにして、鍋に入れる。
3. ぼごうの土を(金属たわし等を使って)取り、乱切りにし、水に数分漬け、鍋に入れる。
4. こんにゃくを小さく切って、ボールに入れ、熱湯を入れて、臭いを取り、鍋に入れる。
5. 鍋が沸騰したら、タイマーを10分にセットする。
6. 里芋の皮を剥いて、7、8ミリ厚の輪切りにして、水に数分漬け、鍋が沸騰してから5分後に鍋に入れる。
7. 豚肉を切り、鍋が沸騰してから8分後に鍋に入れる。
8. えのきを切って、鍋に入れる。
9. 10分経ったら、火を止める。
10. 味噌を入れる。
11. 長ねぎを切って、入れる。
The total cooking time is about 20 min.
Almost the End of Summer Vegetable Gardening/夏の野菜作りもそろそろ終わり
I don't want to talk much about my experience in vegetable gardening in spring and summer this year. In spring, I failed to grow four different plants, including mitsuba, in planter boxes in my yard. The seeds didn't even sprout! I don't know why. Maybe the seeds that I bought at the 100-yen shop were of low quality.
And, my rented farm is a good example of bad management! I was unable to attend to it every two or three days, like I did previously, as you can see from the amount of weed in and around the farm.
One okra plant in the middle:
I had uprooted three others because they had no pods.
Malabar spinach:
Still sending out young shoots.
Several varieties of tomato and cherry tomato:
including Home Momotaro, Tomato Berry, Aiko, Pinky, and Vitamin Ace from Del Monte.
Last Tuesday, I went to the farm a little before eight in the morning, came back home at around ten, and started washing and boiling all the harvest.
Malabar spinach:
Okra pods, together with the ones harvested previously and put in the fridge:
This is all that I got that day.
It was almost noon when I finished all the preparations (such as putting tomatoes in bags, cutting boiled Malabar spinach, and chopping boild mulukhiyah leaves) and washing the bowls and colanders.
Notice that all the three vegetables, okra, Malabar spinach, and mulukhiyah, are slimy ones. They are good as ohitashi and in soup!
And, my rented farm is a good example of bad management! I was unable to attend to it every two or three days, like I did previously, as you can see from the amount of weed in and around the farm.
One okra plant in the middle:
I had uprooted three others because they had no pods.
Malabar spinach:
Still sending out young shoots.
Several varieties of tomato and cherry tomato:
including Home Momotaro, Tomato Berry, Aiko, Pinky, and Vitamin Ace from Del Monte.
Last Tuesday, I went to the farm a little before eight in the morning, came back home at around ten, and started washing and boiling all the harvest.
Malabar spinach:
Okra pods, together with the ones harvested previously and put in the fridge:
This is all that I got that day.
It was almost noon when I finished all the preparations (such as putting tomatoes in bags, cutting boiled Malabar spinach, and chopping boild mulukhiyah leaves) and washing the bowls and colanders.
Notice that all the three vegetables, okra, Malabar spinach, and mulukhiyah, are slimy ones. They are good as ohitashi and in soup!
September 19, 2011
Sanma from Meguro/目黒の秋刀魚
First, read this rakugo story: Sanma from Meguro.
In those days, sanma were considered a "ge zakana" (< sakana), or inferior fish, a type of fish that a lord should never eat.
A funny story, but one can learn an important lesson from it: Elaborate cooking will not necessarily make the ingredients tastier.
面白い話ですが、大切な教訓を得ることができます: 手の込んだ料理をしても、必ずしも具材が美味しくなるわけではない、ということです。
In connection with this rakugo story, two similar festivals are held when sanma are in season.
On September 4, 2011, the 16th Meguro no Sanma Matsuri (Japanese only) was held in Meguro, in Tokyo, where 6,000 sanma from Miyako, Iwate Prefecture, were charcoal grilled and offered free of charge, together with sudachi (a type of citrus fruit) from Tokushima Prefecture and daikon oroshi made with daikon from Tochigi Prefecture. This festival is described here.
And, on September 18, the 35th Meguro Citizens Festival (also called the Meguro SUN Matsuri) was also held in Meguro, where another Meguro no Sanma Matsuri was held, where 5,000 sanma from Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture were charcoal grilled and offered for free, together with grated daikon made with daikon from Miyagi, kabosu (a type of citrus fruit) from Oita, and soy sauce from Kesennuma.
Note that both Miyako and Kesennuma were devastated by the recent earthquake and tsunami.
Edited to add a link to an article of the Japan Times.
追記: Japan Timesの記事のリンクを貼ります。
In those days, sanma were considered a "ge zakana" (< sakana), or inferior fish, a type of fish that a lord should never eat.
A funny story, but one can learn an important lesson from it: Elaborate cooking will not necessarily make the ingredients tastier.
面白い話ですが、大切な教訓を得ることができます: 手の込んだ料理をしても、必ずしも具材が美味しくなるわけではない、ということです。
In connection with this rakugo story, two similar festivals are held when sanma are in season.
On September 4, 2011, the 16th Meguro no Sanma Matsuri (Japanese only) was held in Meguro, in Tokyo, where 6,000 sanma from Miyako, Iwate Prefecture, were charcoal grilled and offered free of charge, together with sudachi (a type of citrus fruit) from Tokushima Prefecture and daikon oroshi made with daikon from Tochigi Prefecture. This festival is described here.
And, on September 18, the 35th Meguro Citizens Festival (also called the Meguro SUN Matsuri) was also held in Meguro, where another Meguro no Sanma Matsuri was held, where 5,000 sanma from Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture were charcoal grilled and offered for free, together with grated daikon made with daikon from Miyagi, kabosu (a type of citrus fruit) from Oita, and soy sauce from Kesennuma.
Note that both Miyako and Kesennuma were devastated by the recent earthquake and tsunami.
Edited to add a link to an article of the Japan Times.
追記: Japan Timesの記事のリンクを貼ります。
September 17, 2011
Sanma (Pacific Saury) and Chestnuts/サンマ(秋刀魚)と栗
Sanma are in season right now.
In Japan, few fish are more closely associated with the fall than sanma.今、サンマが旬です。
I got four sanma at the supermarket for 98 yen each.
I usually don't buy chestnuts, because my father sends us boxes of them around this time of year, but this particular year, he said he got a very small crop and sent us only one bag. I decided to use them to make chestnut cake, and I bought one bag at the supermarket to make kuri okowa.
Like I mentioned here, you don't necessarily have to use a long plate specifically for sanma. Just cut a sanma in half (diagonally) at the anus and serve in a normal plate.
Note: After I took this photo, I put some daikon oroshi (grated daikon) and poured some ponzu.
注: この写真を撮った後で、大根おろしを載せ、ポン酢をかけました。
Here is the front cover of Volume 2 of the comic book, Shinya Shokudo.
This volume contains episode 18, Sanma no Shioyaki (Salt-Grilled Sanma).
The Master says that the worst fish eater of his customers is Marilyn (stripteaser). The best fish eater is the guy (massager) sitting next to her. To everyone's surprise, the two start to go out together.
Kuri okowa is usually made with mochi rice (glutinous rice), but I mixed 3 go of mochi rice with 2 go of regular rice, like I did before as I mentioned here. This resulted in delicious, less sticky kuri okowa.
Sprinkle some salt and sesame seeds.
In Japan, few fish are more closely associated with the fall than sanma.今、サンマが旬です。
I got four sanma at the supermarket for 98 yen each.
I usually don't buy chestnuts, because my father sends us boxes of them around this time of year, but this particular year, he said he got a very small crop and sent us only one bag. I decided to use them to make chestnut cake, and I bought one bag at the supermarket to make kuri okowa.
Like I mentioned here, you don't necessarily have to use a long plate specifically for sanma. Just cut a sanma in half (diagonally) at the anus and serve in a normal plate.
Note: After I took this photo, I put some daikon oroshi (grated daikon) and poured some ponzu.
注: この写真を撮った後で、大根おろしを載せ、ポン酢をかけました。
Here is the front cover of Volume 2 of the comic book, Shinya Shokudo.
This volume contains episode 18, Sanma no Shioyaki (Salt-Grilled Sanma).
The Master says that the worst fish eater of his customers is Marilyn (stripteaser). The best fish eater is the guy (massager) sitting next to her. To everyone's surprise, the two start to go out together.
Kuri okowa is usually made with mochi rice (glutinous rice), but I mixed 3 go of mochi rice with 2 go of regular rice, like I did before as I mentioned here. This resulted in delicious, less sticky kuri okowa.
Sprinkle some salt and sesame seeds.
September 11, 2011
Simpler Bento Box and Bento with Lots of Frozen Foods/シンプルな弁当箱と冷凍食品をいっぱい使った弁当
Months ago, my son's bento box partially broke, and recently my son said he wanted to have another one. Yesterday, we went to buy one, and here is the one he selected, with some suggestions from me.
I'm really happy that he selected a simple one!
My son kept saying that my bento was simple (as compared with the fabulous bento of some of his friends), and I finally gave in, suggesting that we buy some frozen foods suitable for bento. Here are my son's selections:
Top: Spaghetti with grilled tarako (code roe)
Bottom: Omelets with meat in them
上: 焼きたらこのスパゲティ
下: 肉の入ったオムレツ
I was surprised to see that my wife bought additional ones:
Top left to right bottom:
Haru maki (spring rolls); simmered hijiki, komatsuna (a type of leafy vegetable) dressed with sesame seeds, gobo (burdock root) kinpira; beef korokke; and chicken karaage
春巻き; ひじき煮、小松菜のごまあえ、ごぼうのきんぴら; 牛肉コロッケ; 鶏のからあげ
Bento for my son that I made this morning:
The broccoli had been previously boiled and frozen by me, and the kinpira is what I made as part of supper last night. The grapes (Kyoho) in the separate container were from my father, and the tomatoes were from a brother-in-law.
I also had to make three different types of onigiri (rice balls) for breakfast (to be eaten on the bus).

Shirasu (baby sardine), aka jiso (red perilla), and salmon flakes.
I first wrapped each onigiri in a sheet of nori and then in a sheet of plastic wrap.
The remaining onigiri will be consumed by family members as snacks.
I am not very happy with using these frozen foods, but as long as my son is happy about them, I guess I should be happy, too. When he goes on to senior high school next year, I will consider improving my bento making skills so I won't have to rely on frozen foods. (At most senior high schools in Japan, they don't serve school lunches).
I'm really happy that he selected a simple one!
My son kept saying that my bento was simple (as compared with the fabulous bento of some of his friends), and I finally gave in, suggesting that we buy some frozen foods suitable for bento. Here are my son's selections:
Top: Spaghetti with grilled tarako (code roe)
Bottom: Omelets with meat in them
上: 焼きたらこのスパゲティ
下: 肉の入ったオムレツ
I was surprised to see that my wife bought additional ones:
Top left to right bottom:
Haru maki (spring rolls); simmered hijiki, komatsuna (a type of leafy vegetable) dressed with sesame seeds, gobo (burdock root) kinpira; beef korokke; and chicken karaage
春巻き; ひじき煮、小松菜のごまあえ、ごぼうのきんぴら; 牛肉コロッケ; 鶏のからあげ
Bento for my son that I made this morning:
The broccoli had been previously boiled and frozen by me, and the kinpira is what I made as part of supper last night. The grapes (Kyoho) in the separate container were from my father, and the tomatoes were from a brother-in-law.
Shirasu (baby sardine), aka jiso (red perilla), and salmon flakes.
I first wrapped each onigiri in a sheet of nori and then in a sheet of plastic wrap.
The remaining onigiri will be consumed by family members as snacks.
I am not very happy with using these frozen foods, but as long as my son is happy about them, I guess I should be happy, too. When he goes on to senior high school next year, I will consider improving my bento making skills so I won't have to rely on frozen foods. (At most senior high schools in Japan, they don't serve school lunches).
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