December 19, 2018
December 15, 2018
Meals Offered in the School Canteen at My Daughter's University, Part 11/娘の大学の学生食堂で出される食事、パート11
1 Panko*-grilled white-fleshed fish, potato cream sauce
* Panko = Japanese bread crumbs
2 Chicken and Chinese cabbage tamago-toji*
* Tamago = Egg, Toji = Closed. Tamago-toji refers to a dish finished by pouring beaten eggs over the ingredients and heating the eggs for some time until done.
3 White-fleshed fish with cream sauce
November 19, 2018
Meals Offered in the School Canteen at My Daughter's University, Part 10/娘の大学の学生食堂で出される食事、パート10
1 Potato and onion with pork an (thickened broth)
2 Rosu katsu (pork loin cutlet) with grated daikon seasoned with yuzu kosho
3 Donburi (large rice bowl) of rice topped with chicken stir-fried with oyster sauce
4 Deep-fried gyoza with vegetable an (thickened broth)
2 Rosu katsu (pork loin cutlet) with grated daikon seasoned with yuzu kosho
3 Donburi (large rice bowl) of rice topped with chicken stir-fried with oyster sauce
4 Deep-fried gyoza with vegetable an (thickened broth)
October 25, 2018
Meals Offered in the School Canteen at My Daughter's University, Part 9/娘の大学の学生食堂で出される食事、パート9
Yesterday, my daughter sent me two emails.
1 Chuka don (Chinese-style donburi) 400 yen
2 Tanmen (Chinese-style stir-fried vegetable noodle soup) 380 yen
3 Twice-cooked pork 420 yen
4 Hashed beef with omelet 400 yen
5 Teriyaki chicken with an egg sunny-side up 500 yen
1中華丼 400円
2タンメン 380円
3回鍋肉 420円
4ハヤシライス オムレツ添え 400円
5照り焼きチキン 目玉焼き添え 500円
2 Tanmen (Chinese-style stir-fried vegetable noodle soup) 380 yen
3 Twice-cooked pork 420 yen
4 Hashed beef with omelet 400 yen
5 Teriyaki chicken with an egg sunny-side up 500 yen
1中華丼 400円
2タンメン 380円
3回鍋肉 420円
4ハヤシライス オムレツ添え 400円
5照り焼きチキン 目玉焼き添え 500円

1 Seafood miso ramen 380 yen
2 Pork and cabbage stir-fried with shio dare (salty sauce) 420 yen
3 Mapo tofu don (donburi) 400 yen
4 Bibimbap don (bonburi) 400 yen
1海鮮味噌ラーメン 380円
2豚肉とキャベツの塩ダレ炒め 420円
3麻婆豆腐丼 400円
4ビビンバ丼 400円
2 Pork and cabbage stir-fried with shio dare (salty sauce) 420 yen
3 Mapo tofu don (donburi) 400 yen
4 Bibimbap don (bonburi) 400 yen
1海鮮味噌ラーメン 380円
2豚肉とキャベツの塩ダレ炒め 420円
3麻婆豆腐丼 400円
4ビビンバ丼 400円
October 11, 2018
Making Dried Persimmons in a Food Dehydrator/干し柿を食品乾燥機で作る
It takes at least two weeks to make dried persimmons if you hang peeled astringent persimmons to dry. By using a food dehydrator, you can make them in one week or so.
1. Peel astringent persimmons.
2. Hang them to dry outdoors or indoors for 3-5 days until semi-dried.
I prefer to hang them to dry indoors for hygiene reasons. To do so, select a well-ventilated space to prevent the persimmons from molding.
Note: Use a hanging method of your preference. For these particular ones, my father pierced them with skewers.
3. Transfer them to a food dehydrator and dehydrate them for 10-12 hours at 60 degrees C until fully dried.
You may want to rub each one with your fingers several times in the dehydrate process.
1. 渋柿の皮を剥きます。
2. 屋外または屋内で3~5日、半乾きになるまで干します。
注: 干し方はお好みで。この柿の場合、父は串に刺して干しました。
3. 食品乾燥機に移し、完全に乾くまで、10~12時間、摂氏60度で乾燥させます。
Persimmons before dehydrated
Persimmons after dehydrated
September 25, 2018
August 3, 2018
July 11, 2018
July 10, 2018
Hybrid Roasting/ハイブリッド焙煎
Ingredient: Green coffee beans
For example, 235 g of green beans if you want 200 g of medium roasted coffee (weight reduction of 15%)
You will need: Some kind of roaster. Shown below is a gingko nut roaster.
材料: コーヒー生豆(なままめ、きまめ)
例えば、中煎りのコーヒー(重量減15%)が200 g欲しければ、生豆は235 g。
必要な器具: 何らかの焙煎器。ここでは、銀杏煎り器。
Kitchen scale
Microwavable container in which to put green coffee beans
Plastic wrap
2 bamboo sieves
1. Put green beans in the container, wrap with plastic wrap, set the timer to 9 minutes and start it, and microwave at a low wattage (200 W, for example) for 9 minutes.
1. 容器に生豆を入れ、ラップをして、タイマーを9分に設定して、スタートさせ、電子レンジで、低いワット数(例えば200W)で9分、加熱する。
You may want to check the beans and shake the container occasionally but this is not essential. What counts most in this step is to make sure that first crack does not occur. If first crack does occur, take the necessary measures such as lowering the wattage and turning off the microwave for some time.
2. Transfer the beans to the roaster. Start the timer from 0. Roast the beans over the gas stove while constantly shaking the roaster until the desired roast level is reached. First crack (popping sound) should occur 1-2 minutes after the starts of roasting.
2. 豆を煎り器に移し、タイマーを0からスタートさせ、豆をガスコンロの上で、常に煎り器を振りながら、希望する焙煎度まで焙煎します。1ハゼ(ポン、ポンという音)は、焙煎開始から1~2分で始まるはずです。
First crack should end in 2-3 minutes. You may want to stop the roasting for a medium roast. The weight reduction should be around 15-16%. For a dark roast, continue to roast, and second crack (crackling sound) will occur. Stop the roasting when the desired roast level is reached. The weight reduction should be around 18-20%.
3. Transfer the beans to one of the sieves. Transfer them to the other sieve. By repeating this step, cool down the beans and remove the chaff. You may want to do this step outdoors.
3. 豆を一方のザルに移します。それを他方のザルに移します。これを繰り返し、豆を冷まし、チャフを除きます。この作業は外でやったほうがいいです。
Note 1: Chaff will scatter around the gas stove while you are roasting.
Note 2: Your gas stove may have a feature that automatically turns down the heat if nothing is placed on it. You will then need to press the buttons as many times as necessary.
Caution: Smoke will be generated during roasting. Make sure that the smoke detector, if installed, is not activated due to the smoke.
4. Measure the weight of the roasted beans.
You may want to keep a record of the details of your roasting session, initial weight, when first crack occurred, when it ended, the total roasting time, and the final weight.
4. 焙煎した豆の重さを測ります。
5. Let the beans sit overnight. Enjoy the "san tate" (lit. three just's, that is, just roasted, just ground, and just brewed) coffee the next day.
5. 豆は一晩寝かせます。翌日には、「三たて」(煎りたて、挽きたて、淹れたて)のコーヒーを楽しめます。
(I simply use a tea strainer and a paper towel for brewing.)
For roasting with a milk can or a 26-cm diameter shallow pot, you need to shake the can or pot continuously for 12-16 minutes. With this hybrid roasting method, you only need to shake the roaster for 2-6 minutes.
ミルク缶や直径26 cmの浅鍋での焙煎では、缶や鍋を12~16分もずっと振り続ける必要がありますが、このハイブリッド焙煎方法では、2~6分程度、煎り器を振るだけです。
This time, I went for a dark roast of a 18% weight reduction. Thus, to obtain 200 g of roasted coffee, I needed
200/(1 - 0.18) = 200/0.82 = 244 g green beans.
I started microwaving the beans at 500 W. First crack occurred at 5:00. I turned off the microwave, reduced the wattage to 200 W and restarted the microwaving.
200/(1 - 0.18) = 200/0.82 = 244 gの生豆が必要。
豆を500 Wの電子レンジで加熱し始めました。1ハゼが5:00に起きました。電子レンジを止め、ワット数を200 Wに落とし、加熱を再開しました。
1st crack occurred 2:00 after the start of roasting. I stopped roasting soon after 2nd crack started. The total roasting time was 6:00.
I though I made it, but I later learned that the weight reduction was only 16%.
Anyway, I prefer coffee at this roast level. Ideal for iced coffee and coffee jelly!
June 22, 2018
Meals Offered in the School Canteen at My Daughter's University, Part 5/娘の大学の学生食堂で出される食事、パート5
1 Chicken sauce katsu (cutlet) don
2 Ham katsu (cutlet) and curry korokke (Japanese croquette)
3 Nikujaga (meat and potato stew)
4 Tonkotsu ramen with seasoned egg
June 17, 2018
Meals Offered in the School Canteen at My Daughter's University, Part 4/娘の大学の学生食堂で出される食事、パート4
1. Mackerel simmered with miso
2. Curry (and rice) with korokke (Japanese croquette) and chocolate bread
3. Pork and wood ear fried with oyster sauce
This is mecha uma (mighty delish)! Lots of ingredients! I counted them, and they were pork, cabbage, wood ear, bean sprouts, onion, eryngii (king oyster), shiitake, mianma (bamboo shoot), and enoki!
June 8, 2018
Meals Offered in the School Canteen at My Daughter's University, Part 3/娘の大学の学生食堂で出される食事、パート3
This blog has been dormant for weeks because I'm into INSTAGRAM these days. Here are some photos, sent from my daughter. I think I'll update this blog with ume syrup recipes soon.
1 ○○○担々麺(○○○は大学名)
2 ブラックカレーふわふわエッグ添え
3 白身魚の唐揚甘酢あん
4 スープカレー 夏野菜添え
5 鶏とじゃが芋のカレージャン炒め
1 xxx dandan noodles (where xxx is the university name)
2 Black curry with fluffy egg on the side
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