
Then, I thought, "We don't have enough leftover rice. Why not make curry udon with this?" So, I added to the pot: 1 liter of water, 1 onion, 1 chicken breast, and some enoki mushroom. I also added about 90 ml each of soy sauce and mirin, and 1 1/2 tsp of instant dashi. I simmered the curry for 10 min.
私は思いました、「ご飯の残りが少ない。これでカレーうどんでも作ろうか?」そこで、鍋に水を1リットル、玉ねぎ1、鶏の胸肉1、エノキを少し入れました。また、しょう油とみりんを約90 mlづつ、出汁の素を小さじ1 1/2入れました。カレーを10分煮ました。
Will I use the expensive udon that my father gave me the other day (left one) or the cheap one that I bought at the 100-yen shop (right one)? I chose the cheap one.

Curry udon made by using leftover curry:

As I said elsewhere, the use of soy sauce (and mirin and dashi) can make any dish taste Japanese.