Another great preserved food is uchi mame, or beaten (soy) beans. The one shown in the photo is store-bought, but in days of old, people used to make it at home, crushing each soy bean with a mallet. A great advantage of uchi mame is that it can cook for five minutes or so.
A photo of the resultant kiriboshi daikon dish has to wait until I get some dried shiitake mushrooms from the supermarket!
In the meantime, I'd like you to take a look at this:
At first, I wondered what the number 16 meant, and then I realized that it meant the hardness of the mineral water from Naeba (famous for its ski resorts) in Niigata. As I mentioned previously, soft water is an essential ingredient of Japanese dishes, and I am glad that the water here in the "Snow Country" in Niigata is very soft.
Edited to add:
I bought a pack of fresh shiitake mushrooms instead of dried ones because it was on sale.
I decided not to add the shiitake this time. I'll add some of them tomorrow.
I also bought a bag of mikan of an early variety, which were not so sour as I had expected but surprisingly sweet.