(Continued from
Mirin/味醂(みりん) dated August 11, 2009)
Here are some notes on mirin.
I. Substitutes for mirin
One very common example:
For 1 tbsp (15 ml) mirin, substitute 1 tsp (5 ml) sugar plus 1 tbsp (15 ml) sake.
Mirin contains 40-50% sugar, but many people suggest a ratio of 1:3 (not 1:2) for sugar and mirin. I think that the reason for this is to compensate the sharp sweetness of sugar for the mild sweetness of mirin.
Some suggest using wine instead of sake, and some suggest substituting honey if you want to give gloss and luster to your dish.
In his book, Japanese Cooking: A Simple Art, Shizuo Tsuji wrote:
If you cannot find mirin, do not try to sweeten sake with sugar as is sometimes recommended. Rather, use sugar alone, substituting 1 tsp sugar for 1 Tbsp mirin.
He did not, however, state the reason why.
I'm not sure why, but here is one clue:
Sake and mirin both have these features:
1. Deodorize fish and meat.
2. Help flavors seep through the ingredients.
3. Bring out flavors and aromas.
These features are due to the presence of alcohol in sake and mirin.
Due to the presence of alcohol and sugars in mirin, mirin has the effect of keeping the ingredients from disintegrating. In other words, mirin toughens the ingredients. Mirin differs from sake in this respect, which softens the ingredients.
So, my suggestion will be:
Substitute 1 tsp sugar (with no sake or wine) for 1 tbsp mirin, if you simply want to add sweetness to your dish,
and add sake also, if you want the features of sake described above.
II. Which to use, mirin or sugar
Here is some general information:
1. For meat and fish, prefer mirin. (Remember the deodorizing effect of mirin.)
2. For dipping sauce for noodles, prefer mirin.
To make dipping sauce, you need a large amount of mirin. In such a case, it is recommended to boil off the alcohol of mirin before combining mirin with dashi and soy sauce.
Here are some of my preferences:
For meat and fish, I tend to use mirin only. For many nimono (simmered dishes), I also tend to use mirin only. For some dishes such as simmered kabocha, simmered hijiki seaweed, and simmered kiriboshi daikon, I tend to use sugar only.
Some recipes call for both mirin and sugar. The idea seems to be that sugar is used to provide the main sweetness and mirin is used to provide additional, mild sweetness, plus body and luster.
III. When to add mirin
Mirin is usually added to the pot at the beginning of a simmering process, but some people add mirin toward the end of a simmering process if they want to give gloss and luster to the dish. In this case, nikiri mirin (mirin with its alcohol evaporated beforehand) is preferred.
Here is how to boil off the alcohol of mirin:
Nikiri mirinClick the link above, scroll down a little, and click one of
64k, 300k, and 1M, and the movie will start.
Two methods are presented there:
1. Simply boil off alcohol in a pot.
2. Tilt the pot slightly to set fire to the alcohol.
A simple and safe method will be to heat mirin in a microwave for some time, like I usually do.
I. 味醂の代わり
味醂大さじ1(15 ml)の代わりに、砂糖を小さじ1(5 ml)+お酒を大さじ1(15 ml)使う。
Japanese Cooking: A Simple Artという本で、著者の辻静雄は、こう書いています:
1. 魚や肉の臭いを取る。
2. 具材に味が染み込み易くする。
3. 味と香りを引き出す。
II. 味醂と砂糖のうち、どっちを使うか?
1. 肉や魚には、味醂のほうがいい。(味醂の消臭効果を思い出して下さい。)
2. 麺つゆには、味醂のほうがいい。
III. 味醂をいつ加えるか?
1. 単に、鍋でアルコールを飛ばす。
2. 鍋を少し傾けて、アルコールに火をつける。