Yesterday, I went on a little splurge and bought these sashimi:
Top left: Hirame (left-eyed flounder) from Niigata
Top right: Bachi (short for mebachi) maguro, i.e., bigeye tuna, from the Pacific Ocesian
Bottom: Abalone from Sanriku, saka (< sake) mushi (steamed with sake)
左上: 新潟産平目(ひらめ、ヒラメ)
右上: 太平洋産バチ(メバチ)まぐろ
下: 三陸産あわび(鰒、アワビ)酒蒸し
Hmm, I think there are many times in my life when I don't feel up to cooking. Having a full-time job takes all the energy out of me!
Jan: As for me, an acquaintance passed away one day this week, and another on the next day.
Hiroyuki san, I am very sorry to hear that. Many condolences.
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