I just wanted to announce that I have won the "Idea Award" in the "Recipe Contest", conducted by the Uonuma Kinoko and Sansai Promotion Association.
My award-winning recipe for dried enoki chahan (fried rice):
Ingredients (one serving)
30 g dried enoki (300 g when fresh)
5 fake crabmeat sticks
2 eggs
2 chawan (bowls) of rice
1 tsp salad oil
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
Decoration such as green laver or long green onion
1. Put dried enoki in a container, add a small amount of water, and heat in a microwave for tens of seconds to soften.
2. Cut fake crabmeat sticks into manageable sizes (for example, four equal parts).
3. Break eggs, put them in a bowl, and beat well.
4. Add rice (after rewarming if cold) to the bowl mentioned in 3., and mix well.
5. Put salad oil in a frying pan, and put it on the stove.
6. When the pan is heated, add the contents of the bowl, and stir well so that each and every rice grain is coated with egg.
7. When the egg is set, add dried enoki and fake crabmeat sticks, and mix well.
8. Add salt and mix well again.
9. Finally, add soy sauce and sesame oil, mix quickly, and turn off heat immediately.
10. Transfer to a plate, and top with decoration such as long green onion.
Cooking time: 5 min. (3 min for preparations and 2 min. for pan-frying)
【材料・分量】 (1人前)
干しえのきたけ … 30g (生では300g) かにかまぼこ … 5 本 卵 … 2 個
ご 飯 … 茶碗 2杯 サラダ油 … 小さじ 1 塩 … 小さじ 1/2
しょうゆ … 小さじ 1 ごま油 … 小さじ 1 青のりや青ネギなどの飾り
【料理時間】 5分(準備:3分、調理:2分)
Edited to add this photo:
These are the mushrooms I got from the Association.
Congratulations on your winning dish! It sounds delicious. I have canned crab; do you think that it would be an acceptable substitution?
Molly: Thanks! Canned crab? What a great substitute for fake crab meat!
You can subsitute dried squid or shrimp for dried enoki.
Hi Hiroyuki! I follow your blog, but this is my first post. Congratulations on winning the award and I will definitely try to make this dried enoki chahan!
Congratulations on your win!
Well done Hiroyuki! Congratulations! Next time please show us a picture of your award winning chahan!
Thanks everyone for their comments!
I added a photo of the resulting chahan at the beginning of the post (the same photo as that you will see when you click "Idea Award" in the post).
お成功をお祝いします。 えのきちゃはんがおいしそうですね。 ひろゆきさんのレシピでこの料理を作りたいと思います。
Okasan: どうもありがとうございます!
Okasan: Thank you very much! Dried shrimp or dried scallop can be a good substitute for dried enoki.
I often use canned tuna instead of fake crab meat.
Congratulations, Hirokuki.
Bbq Dude: Thanks!
Amy: Thanks!
LOOKS SO TASTY! I wanna try it out sometime.
Vivian in Japan.
Vivian: Thanks for your comment. Fresh enoki is cheapest around this time of year. Why not get some from the supermarket and try drying it today?
Congratulations! The fried rice looks and sounds well deserved! I'll have to make it one day!
oliver: Thanks!
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